by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen
The Methodist Churches of Rockville, Appleton City, and Montrose held morning worship at the Park in Appleton City; services day was observed.
Mt. Zion Home Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home to study the Bible with nine in attendance; all are welcome.
Mt. Zion Club will meet Sept. 21 at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall for an all-day carry-in dinner at noon. We will work to recycle milk jugs, will need five gallon jars.
Lots of fun things to do over Labor Day think most towns had a celebration of some kind.
The Mt. Zion area appreciated the cooler weather after four to five inches of rain, filling the rain barrels making weeds easier to pull; did stop the farmers from shelling corn and baling hay.
Recent visitors in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home were Brenda Peterson over Labor Day weekend. Eric Peterson was an afternoon visitor, Saturday they were surprised to see Paul David Crawford for a visit, later Mark and Terri Crawford. Kent Crawford is recovering from shoulder surgery. A little bird told me he wasn’t the most patient patient. We wish him a speedy recovery. Brenda, Dixie, and Howard enjoyed supper at the deer camp with Mitchel, Jodi and Tucker Crawford over Labor Day.
Robin Siegismund’s dog, Belle, didn’t appreciate the scare crow that Robin received for her birthday. Belle let everyone know by barking and growling at the thing. Belle probably thought she would have to share her popsicles or was being replaced by the thing.
Sunday afternoon a family baby shower was held for Michelle Siegismund at the Rockville Methodist Church Felloship Hall.
Recent visitors in the Marge Zink home were Stacy and Mike Griffith, Bob and Sheri Suster, Tom and Beverly Pelkey and Wilma Williamson.
John Snethen had minor surgery just before Labor Day so Julia and John spent some quite time over Labor Day with son, Ron.
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