by Helen Ellerman
Madalyn’s Kitchen, south of Schell City, will be closed on Sunday, July 31. She is having a birthday party for one of her grandsons on Sunday afternoon. She will reopen her regular time on Monday, Aug. 1.
Several from the Harwood and Schell City area attended the Vernon County Youth Fair this past week at Nevada.
Jewell and Helen Ellerman, along with some of their friends, attended the Fried Chicken fundraiser at the El Dorado Springs Senior Center Sunday, July 17. They had attended church service at the Grace United Methodist Church.
Church service was held at the Harwood Baptist Church Sunday, July 17. Brother Jon Caudle Sr.’s sermon was taken from Luke. He taught Sunday School as well. Brother Jon Caudle Jr. and his wife were gone for a few days for their anniversary.
The Harwood area received a lot of rain again this past week. The farmers really needed the rain these past two weeks for their crops.
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