by Julia Snethen and Marge Zink
Sunday morning worship service at the Rockville United Methodist Church was conducted by Pastor Linda Wansing entitled “A step of Faith” taken from Matthew 4:22-33. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area is thankful for the early rain Sunday morning and the cooler temperature; some corn fields are being harvested and fall calves are arriving. Phone service has not improved in our area.
Sympathy and prayers to the Bernice Marshall who died yesterday.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, not much going on. Petey comes over every day to see Robin for a treat, Speck and Belle don’t like to share treats. Mabel’s doing things with apples, Robin is busy knitting little people stuff. Speck and Belle had fun chasing creatures when Daniel mowed close to the yard.
Talked to Judy Piepmeier last week and her last eye procedure was doing good; she fell but didn’t break anything but a few bruises but keep prayers coming Judy is still smiling.
Dixie Peterson is still doing therapy at Truman Lake Manor Howard attended his school reunion over Labor Day weekend.
Some of the hummingbirds have gone.
Schell City had a nice day for their parade a large crowd was in attendant.
John Snethen spent a quite week with his bus route and Julia in Knob Noster with Shella, David and Theo Vandiver. Julia went up on Monday fighting the Labor Day traffic and came back Thursday evening with still a lot of traffic. Julia and Theo had a little accident on Monday night after Theo’s bath. Julia was walking Theo into the bedroom so Shella could dress him for bed and Julia tripped on a rug, Julia and Theo met heads, but Theo wasn’t hurt but Julia had a knot on her head and flipped over on her back. Theo thought Julia was playing a game and laugh. Theo likes being outside and taking walks, which kept Julia very active. Julia kept appointment when she returned home getting her hair done and visiting the doctor but not getting a good report.
Mt. Zion Club will meet Sept. 21, at the home of Marge Zink for lunch at noon.