by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen
Rockville United Methodist Church Sunday service was conducted by Larry Sorrells titled “Deal or No Deal” taken from Jeremiah 31:31-34; you are always welcome to join us at worship Sunday at 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion Home Bible study was held in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home held at 7 p.m. withnine in attendance; always room for one more to study the Bible with us.
The Mt. Zion Club met March 20, first day of spring at Hickory Court Community center in Appleton City. We enjoyed a bountiful carry-in in meal at noon with the Golden Apples. Marge Zink from the Mt. Zion Club gave a brief history of the club’s 95 years of service to the community. Charlene Miller gave a brief history of the Green Valley Club another club started about the same time and still going. We enjoyed a game the Mt Zion ladies invented Missouri towns within 50 mile radius as an example “Name a hard town? Answer Rockville.
Memorial services for Bob Suster will be March 30 at 10 a.m. Christian Church in Appleton City.
Sympathy to the Helen Nixon Family, funeral service is Wednesday, March 27 in El Dorado, KS. The Nixon’s lived in the Mt. Zion area for several years and Helen was a member of the Mt. Zion club.
Recent visitors in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home were Mike and Stacy Griffith bringing St Patrick Day Corn beef sandwiches, Dixie, Beverly Pelkey and Marge Zink went to Bunco and therapy three times. Howard went to the Pasley sale Saturday.
Over at the Robin Siegismund farm Belle and Robin is still suffering from spring fever; but Belle so worried that she chased the wrong car and got put on a lease until she promised she wouldn’t do it again.
The Mt. Zion area is looking more like spring leaves are showing, grass is green most of all the daffodils along the roadside are blooming, the buzzards are back, although the eagles did a good job of keeping the road kill cleaned up.
The Rockville quilters are truly blessed when we think of all the pleasures a quilt can bring to so many people, the quilters are happy when people give us a quilt top to quilt, we are happy when we get it finished and the owner are happy when they pick it up. Really the happiness started when the person had enough material to make the quilt when they had it ready had it ready to be quilted; each step brings happiness so we think quilts are pieces of happiness.
John and Julia Snethen attended the Chapter #30 meeting Monday night and Julia attended the Mt. Zion Club on Wednesday and John ran his bus route.
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