Morning message at Rockville United Methodist church by Pastor David Hill was titled “Being First and Last” from Matthew 20:1-16 Old Testament Scripture from Philippians 1:21-30. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Tuesday Bible Study 9 a.m.

Mt. Zion area is looking greener since the rain. Farmers are busy finishing up harvesting. It’s October already. The hummingbirds have gone south. Time to start stocking up on sugar for next year.

Sympathy to the family of Linda Kennedy. Funeral service was Saturday, interment at the Appleton City Cemetery.

Over at Robin Siegismund’s Farm, Belle is getting bored and tired of all this hot weather. The rain dance was fun but lots of work and she didn’t like the thunder. All Petey wants to do is beg treats from Robin, Speck is lazy and stays home; even Mutt, Mark’s dog, is not as fun as he used to be. Robin is crocheting winter hats. Mabel is enjoying the little people.

The Rockville Hand Quilters have been keeping busy. We do a lot of older quilts. We are working on one now that is the smallest flower garden. The pieces are maybe an inch in size. None of us have ever seen one this small. Making it even more unique, is a few of the squares have been pieced together and one square was pieced three times. That quilter wasted nothing. It is a very pretty quilt. You are welcome to visit us on Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m.  Coffee around 2:15 at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Call Marge for more information 660.598.4240

Mt. Zion Club will meet Oct. 18, for lunch at Marge Zink’s home.

Terry and Judy Piepmeier are doing good. They have not had to go to any doctor’s appointments for a few weeks. Judy still has her smile.

Wanda Rector was home for a few days resting up for the next fun trip.

Howard Peterson recently took supper with Marge Zink, Mike and Stacy Griffith.