by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by Nicholas Van Dam entitled “Serve on the Sabbath,” from Luke13:10-17.
Mt. Zion Home Bible study meets each Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home to study the Bible with eight in attendance; we invite you to attend at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening.
Mt. Zion Club met in the Marge Zink home Wednesday afternoon for their regular meeting where the ladies enjoyed the movie Norman. Roll call was favorite cool summer treat, ice cream won with watermelon a close second. Sept. 21 will be our next meeting at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall for an all-day meeting, the ladies will work on recycling gallon milk jugs; pot luck dinner at noon.
Sympathy to the Kenny Taylor family. Kenny was a lifelong resident of the Mt. Zion area; he passed away Saturday, he will be missed.
Dixie Peterson, Marge Zink and Beverly Pelkey were among those enjoying Bunco at the library in Lowry City Tuesday. It was lots of fun, there is no sleeping at that game.
Thursday was an all-day quilting for the Rockville Methodist Church hand quilters, besides quilting and a delicious carry-in dinner at noon, the health nurses were there. Madline had a quilt she had finished that her grandmother had cut the blocks from the family clothing dating back to 1863. We celebrated Roberta Dines soon to be 90th birthday.
Coralee Miller had a different week than usual, went to hospital on Thursday came home Saturday after having heart surgery, we wish her a speedy recovery.
Weather is wonderful in the Mt. Zion area, lot cooler and good shower of rain.
Beverly Pelkey celebrated her birthday by going out for dinner, her choice – her favorite hamburger, wishing her many more happy birthdays.
Sunday afternoon visitors with Mabel Siegismund were Ethan and Michelle Siegismund. Up at Robin Siegismund’s house, Belle, the dog is enjoying her Popsicle; she knows they don’t melt so fast since the cool weather but they are just so delicious.
John and Julia Snethen had a busy week with Julia attending club and OATS meeting and doing a little shopping around Osceola. John ran his bus route and mowed the yard. John and Ron Thompson went to the races on Saturday night and worked on the front porch railing over the weekend. Ron Thompson made a trip Friday to see his new grandson and check on daughter, Ashley.
Want your news in the Mt. Zion items, call Marge at 660-598-4240.
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