The video series Practical Advice from Successful Farmers is online and available at This series features advice and best practices from some of Southwest Missouri’s best farmers and extension educators. Topics include:
Farm Business Models of Oakwoods Farm which markets through farmers markets, online, restaurants, a health food store, and school sales, Gardener’s Orchard which includes u-pick, seasonal festivals, farmers markets, and value-added products, and Millsap Farms whose business model includes a CSA, farm store, school tours & other agritourism, pizza nights, flower sales, and institutional sales.
Establishing a Berry Farm with Patrick Byers, University of Missouri Extension
High Tunnel Strawberries – Lessons learned by a first time grower with Angela Brattin of Brattin Farms
Growing Alliums – Onions, Leeks, & Garlic with Curtis Millsap of Millsap Farms
Growing Lavender with Kelly McGowan, University of Missouri Extension
Distilling Lavender Essential Oil with Patrick Byers
Growing Leafy Greens with Karen Scott of Oakwoods Farm and Jason Hirtz of Box Turtle Farm
Tips on Grafting Tomatoes for Commercial Production with Shon Bishop of Bishop Gardens
Growing High Tunnel Tomatoes with Farmer Dre aka Andre Gradinaru of Gardener’s Orchard (available in Spanish as well)
Growing Sweet Potatoes with Curtis Millsap (available in Spanish as well)
Sweet Potato Slip Production with Patrick Byers
Hmong language videos with Lykou Lee of Lykou Farms:
– Growing blueberries, elderberries, and high tunnel strawberries
– Growing tomatoes and squash
Practical Advice from Successful Farmers is a collaborative project of the Webb City Farmers Market, University of Missouri Extension, and Lincoln University Cooperative Extension. It was funded, in part, by a Specialty Crops Block Grant from the Missouri Department of Agriculture.
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