To schedule a ride in Cedar County, call 660-827-2611 or 800-276-6287.  Calls must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Listed below is the transportation schedule for Cedar County.

To Joplin: 1st Wednesday each month

To Nevada: 1st Friday each month

To Bolivar: 2nd Thursday & 3rd Friday each month

To Springfield: 3rd Tuesday each month

To El Dorado Springs (including the Senior Center) from El Dorado Springs:

Monday – Friday (bus will travel within 10 miles of the city limits)

To Stockton Senior Center From:

Jerico Springs: Monday each month

Stockton: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Fares (One-way):

$2.50 for in-town riders

$5 for county service ​

For rides in Cedar County, please call the OATS Transit office in Sedalia at 660-827-2611, 24-48 hours in advance. OATS Transit provides transportation for anyone of any age; buses are ADA accessible to accommodate mobility devices. Please visit our website at, and click on the “Bus Schedules” tab to see the schedule and fares for Cedar County.

We contract with a number of agencies to serve their clients. We are hiring drivers statewide in case you know of someone who would make a great driver, so we can continue serving our riders.

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