At their April 11, meeting, the R-2 school board learned that the new bus barn was almost complete. The new electric buses will have charging stations at the new barn which will be fenced and well-lit at night. The busses are provided by First Student who has the transportation contract with the school.
Along with new buses, a few of the old diesel buses will remain as the drivers learn how to drive an electric vehicle. The buses are due to arrive in July.
The board approved Kathy Schwalm as Board Secretary and Karen Beason as Board Treasurer.
Tabitha Culbertson, gave an update to the El Dorado Springs R2 alternative Gifted Identification Plan.
Culbertson said the goal of the program is to increase thenumber of students in the gifted program to a total of five percent school-wide
All board members were present except Mark Burley.
The two newly elected board members were sworn in and the board reorganized, electing Josh Floyd as president.
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