Plans for Cedar County Memorial Hospital began in 1957 after a poll sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce showed favorable response to having a rural hospital. In the balloting, 663 people voted “yes” and three voted “no.’ An Advisory Committee
consisting of five local members – Dr. S. Lyle Conway, chairman; Walter Tough, Charles Bucas, Charles Robertson and Joe Hendricks coordinated the work of other committees. Election committee – Perc Anson, Luther Thatch, Elton Evans, Marvin Tough, W.R. Lewis: Election committee (A)- Joe Hendricks, chairman; George Nafus, Dr. C.H. Sunderwirth, Don McPeak, Conrad Kirby and Dr. R.L. Magee. By-laws – W.W. Sunderwirth, chairman; Dr. S. Lyle Conway, Joe Hendricks; Publicity -Bob Souders, chairman; John D. Smith, Charles Robertson and Luther Thatch. Finance Committee ($60,000) operating fund) – Walter Rough, chairman; George Barker, Charles Lucus, Charles Robertson. A Chamber of Commerce budget committee raised money to finance the promotion of a county hospital. The members were Floyd Carothers, chairman; Lucien Carter, Paul Hargrove, Vennie Smith, Lee Green and Eddie Wilson.
In 1959, members of the Cedar County Board of Hospital Trustees met with architectural firm that had been working on plans for the building. Despite the red tape with the state and the federal government, the board was optimistic that a start on the building would begin in the summer. In the meantime, members of the Chamber of Commerce met at a breakfast at the Park Coffee
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