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The El Dorado Springs Planning and Zoning Commission met on Thursday, April 25, to listen to public concerns about rezoning issues.

  The first issue was a change from R-1 low density residential zoning district to B-3, Highway business zoning district for the property at 400 N. Main (formerly the Martin House which burned several years ago) and the two properties behind it at 111 West Walnut and 1134 West Walnut. The rezoning would allow for the construction of a Dollar General Grocery Store according to Brian Hansel, owner of the property.

There were some objections from the public stating that the area was a historic neighborhood.

  The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the El Dorado City Council change the zoning.

  In another case the commission voted 5-0 to recommend to the Council that property at 109 E. Poplar Street be rezoned from single family dwelling to multifamily.

  The Commission consists of Logan Friar, Alvan Reasoner, Jerry Baldwin, Scott Roe and Josh Horn. The commission is appointed by the City Council.

  The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed zoning change. The council will make a final decision after a fourteen-day waiting period. During the waiting period following the Planning Commission hearing and council meeting, individuals may file protest petitions with the City Clerk. If signed petitions amount to ten percent or more of either the area of lots included in the proposed change or in the area 185 feet of the boundary of the proposed change, then it cannot be passed except by a three -fourths vote of all the members of the council.

  Protest petitions are available in the office of the City Clerk and shall be filed with her within fourteen days after the conclusion of the public by the Planning Commission. The petitions must be signed by all owners, including a spouse if jointly owned property, and submitted within the fourteen-day period in order to be valid. In computing the protest area, it should be pointed out that the requirement is ten percent or more of the land and not ten percent of the owners; and that area devoted to public streets and right-of-way is excluded from the computations.

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