On May 17 of this year Breanna Wood created the ElDo Rocks facebook page. Since that time, people have developed the hobby of placing the colorful and colorfully decorated rocks randomly around El Dorado Springs. A rock is photographed and the picture placed on facebook with a hint as to where it might be found. The finder also posts to facebook and either re-hides the rock or keeps it.
Rock hunters are now bonding with loved ones and exercising all in the name of finding a rock. Someone reported that they had never seen so many people in the Park except during the Picnic.
Wood said, “It’s good exercise People are even using the new sidewalk on Hwy. 54.”
She said the idea actually came from Washington State and now Bolivar, Stockton Nevada, Clinton and Neosho all have pages dedicated to their “rocks.”
Rhonda Friar said she just knows what she has seen on facebook.
“I’ve just seen little bits and pieces of what people are collecting. I think they just take a picture, maybe tell where they found it, they can keep them or I think most people probably re-hide them. You can give a clue or you don’t’ have to.”
“I’ve been down in the Park working on those flower beds. There have been families down there. Sunday during the concert there were four different groups of people that were kind of milling around. I asked them ‘Are you guys looking for rocks?’ They said, ‘Yeah, we are.’
“There was a group of boys, A group of girls. And two families. People I would not usually have seen in the Park. It’s really making people get out and look around.”
Jackson Tough said that Travis who owns Healy PC said it has made him get up early and look for rocks.
Rhonda said some people have brought rocks from other places and taken our rocks to other towns. “It’s kind of a sharing thing.
“It’s definitely getting some attention around.”
Publishers note – Tuesday, someone posted a picture of a rock leaning up against the north wall of the Sun office. The note said it was where the old Sears store used to be. I had Gwen reply that that corner was not were the old Sears store used to be. The original poster referred to an article that I had written in the 80’s about fires in El Dorado Springs and I mentioned that a fire at 125 N. Main was where the old Sears store had been. I had to write back and explain that the address in my story was wrong. The Sun office was at 122 N. Main, on the west side of the street, when I wrote the story and we watched the fire as it consumed the business that was where the old Sears store was. We are now at 125 N. Main. The building actually has two addresses. The south portion of the building is 123 N. Main and the northern portion of Leeper Building is 121 N. Main. That’s were the fire was.
My mother often said, “Be sure, your sins will find you out.” After 30 years, my mistake was discovered by a randomly placed rock.
ElDo Rocks currently has over 1,500 followers.
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