During the monthly board meeting for the Cedar Count Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees, the board took up a tabled item to change the meeting time of the board. The situation came up because board President Michele Leroux has taken a teaching position and cannot get away for the 11:30 a.m. meeting each third Monday. Board Member David Bozarth has an issue with moving it because he is a substitute bus driver for the R-II school and the 11:30 a.m. time falls in between the morning and the after school bus runs.

The board voted to move the monthly meeting from 11:30 a.m. on the third Monday of each month to 4:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. The only no vote was Bozarth’s

Present at the meeting were Board Members Judy Renn, Leroux, Marvin Manring,  Bozarth and Julia Phillips as were board secretary Diana Pile, Attorney Bryan Breckenridge, Director of Finance Carla Gilbert, CEO Jana Witt and CNO Marie Mitchell.

Most of the rest of the meeting was taken up in a discussion of staffing issues. Cedar County Memorial is not unique in this area. Hospitals all over the country are short staffed and have to rely on traveling nurses from outside the immediate area.  Some work for an agency and some are independent. The hospital has to pay a lot of money to either one to staff the hospital completely.

Currently the hospital has several positions available including needs for RN’s. The discussion centered around increasing signing bonuses or other incentives

Gilbert gave the financial report. The hospital has 331 days cash-on-hand.

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