I first want to thank you for the coverage you provide in the newspaper for the hospital and our events.  This support is much appreciated.

With that said, there are concerns about the content of the article that appeared on the front page of the Sun on Sept. 29, regarding the Sept. 15, CCMH Board meeting. Michelle Leroux, Board President, and Marvin Manring, Board Vice President, asked that I contact you to request that a correction to certain information in that article be run this week and that you be provided with the following information.

David Bozarth did leave a message on Diana Pyle’s office voice mail on the afternoon of Sept. 15, requesting a delay of the discussion of the “Information Blocking Policy,” as he would be late to the meeting.  This was confusing since there was no Information Blocking Policy on the agenda or in the Board meeting packets for the Sept. 15 Board meeting. (Attached are the Sept. 15 meeting agenda and the list of policies that were to be reviewed in the meeting. Diana included both items in the meeting packet, which you also received.) David’s voice mail request was appropriately relayed to Michelle Leroux prior to the start of the meeting. Of note, the only item on the Sept. 15 agenda relating to information blocking was “Education:  Information Blocking.” David was present at the meeting for this agenda item. This was not a policy, but rather education the Board members had been provided to review prior to the meeting. The order of the Sept. 15 agenda was followed.

The tentative agenda of this meeting includes: Call to Order and quorum verified, approval of agenda, approval of minutes of previous meeting.

New business: Maintenance update: Larry Chadd, maintenance supervisor

Proposal for O2 kits for ER.

Financial report; payrolls-review/approve; accounts payable-review/approve

Board resolution for opening of bank account

Carla Gilbert, director of finance.

Policies and procedures-review and approve (a list of these policies and procedures follows. It was in board policies).

Benefits discussion: Diana Pyle, HR/executive asst.


Nursing report: Marie Mitchell, CNO

Education: Information blocking rule

Pharmacy update

CEO report: Jana Witt, CEO

Meeting date Aug. 16

Jana presented the following new policies for Board approval: Administration – No Information Blocking Policy; Business Office – Sale of Meal Tickets; Human Resources – Requirements for Job Shadowing; and Operating Room – Operating Room Levels. Motion #7601 was made by Judy Renn to approve the policies as presented. Julia Phillips seconded the motion. Those in favor: Michelle Leroux, Julia Phillips, Judy Renn, David Bozarth and Marvin Manring. None opposed. MOTION CARRIED.

As you can see from the portion of the Aug. 16 approved Board meeting minutes attached above, the information blocking policy, titled “No Information Blocking”, was presented and passed unanimously by all five Board members at the Aug. 16 meeting.

The attached documents should well demonstrate the confusion involved in David’s request to postpone a policy that wasn’t on the Sept. 15 agenda but instead had already been passed at the Aug. 16 Board meeting.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.