After almost 15 years on the Northeast Vernon County Board of Education, the last six as president, Jeanne Hoagland didn’t sign up to run again. So, when voters cast their ballots on June 2, they will elect someone to fill Jeanne’s position on the board.

Last week, the Sun interviewed Jeanne about her years on the board and her decision not to run again.

She said, “Sometimes, when it’s time, you know. You just get a feeling, it’s time. People have always told me when it’s time to move on or do something different, you’ll know it. And, it’s just time to move on.”

Q. What are your major accomplishments while you were on the school board.?

By running two campuses out of buildings that were built in 1929, there have been computer upgrades through the years and there has been a been a challenge to keep those up to snuff infrastructure wise and maintenance wise. We’ve worked hard to stay on top of changes that need to be made in buildings that are 91 years old in both the Walker building and the Schell building. I don’t know if challenge is the right word, but that has been an ongoing process. We’re not working out of modern structures.

Q. How many students do you have?

A little over 200 with continued movement in and out of the district.. 200 plus, put it that way.

The Schell City campus has pre-K through 6. Grades 7 through 12 go to the Walker campus.

Q. And you have a pretty good superintendent?

I have had the luxury of having the same superintendent all my years on the school board. I have had excellent administration. Our Elementary Principal, Kendall Ogburn, and High School Principal, Chris Hudson, I think they are just top notch.

Q. And you have Charles Naas as superintendent.

Yes. Good money man. And we have a good board.  I have had the privilege of serving with some good board members who have the students first and foremost in their minds.

That’s not all people. Some people bring their personal agenda to the table.  I’ve had the privilege to serve with people who have the students first and foremost in their thoughts.

Q. When are you going to do graduation?

It will be June 27 if everything goes according to plan.

Q. How has corona virus impacted NEVC?

It has turned everybody’s life upside down. Our spring break was a week later than everybody else and when we went on spring break, we never went back to school.

We were trying to stay connected with the teachers and students on line. It’s just a new world for everybody and it will be a new world going into the new year.

Q. Have you had any cases of corona virus in your district?

Not to my knowledge.

Q. When’s the last day of school?

It’s over for now but we are looking into summer school.

Q. How did it affect you financially?

It’s concerning. Small districts struggle with money anyway. Little districts are challenged in ways that large districts aren’t, there’s no question.

Q. Are there any big things that you didn’t get done?

We are continuing with the implementation of safety issues. I’m just saying that’s an onward program we need to continue to work on. Being older buildings, it’s our job to protect the students as much as we possibly can.

One thing we need to do is move forward on securing the buildings for the safety of the students and the administration. That’s a big issue in today’s society any more.