After a prayer, the pledge and roll call. The El Dorado Springs City Council went into executive session with City Attorney Blane Baker to discuss legal matters. After the council returned to open session Baker said “It has been brought to the council’s attention that on Feb. 20, 2023, Ms. Glenda Baker cast an affirmative vote to appoint a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity, her nephew, which is in violation of Missouri Constitution Article 7, section 6 regarding nepotism. Due to that affirmative vote Ms. Baker has forfeited her seat on the city council for the remainder of her term.”

Mrs. Baker said she felt like she should know who has accused her. “I want to do what is right for the community,” she said.

Baker said “I do not believe the, whoever it was, went through official channels and generated any paperwork or made an official request, so because of that I don’t think we’re bound to disclose, even if we know under the Sunshine Rules who that is.”

Mrs. Baker had several family members present. Michelle Leroux , Ms. Baker’s niece, asked how the seat would be filled. She was told that the council would appoint someone. She was also told that Ms. Baker can run for office again after two years – or the length of her term. After the council meeting City Manager Bruce Rogers told the Sun that every candidate for city council is given a booklet by the Missouri Ethics Commission. The situation the council and Ms. Baker found themselves in is addressed on page 32.

Present for the meeting were councilmembers Allen Hicks, Gabby Kinnett, Nathan Murrell and Mayor Cory Gayman. Also present were Rogers, City Clerk Kandi Baldwin, Blane Baker and Jon Cummins from KPM.

James Edwards approached the council about the intersection of Vernon and Lake Hill Road. Gayman said he would try to get input from the Street Department, possibly by the next meeting.

Mike Bush from the Parks and Recreation board addressed the council. He said that the lake on the golf course should be closed from March 1 to Nov.1. He also said the members of the golf course were raising money for new Fairways.  He asked if they needed permission to do it. It was decided that money raised needed to be run through the city. Bush said the cost was around $2,000 per hole.

Jon Cummins gave the yearly audit report which gave the city a clean opinion.

The city approved a lease agreement between the city and Compass Health Network at 107 W. Broadway. The lease is for $1,630 a month payable in advance, due on the first of the month. The lease agreement is from May 2023 to May 2024.

The council also voted to purchase a 2022 – 3025E John Deere utility tractor from Heritage Tractor, Inc for $19,900.

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