IN AND OUT-LET OPENS IN OLD DOLLAR GENERAL BUILDING – The El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for the In and Out-Let store at 205 W Why 54  in El Dorado Springs on September 25. The store is open Monday-Saturday 9 – 7 and Sunday 9 – 3. The store is closed from 1:30 to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday to restock.

This is the second store owner Donna Stewart has. Her son and daughter-in-law Chris and Donna E. Steward, operate as tore in Springfield. Her sister, Bonnie Bowman, will manage the one in El Dorado Springs.

At the In and Out-let store items aren’t individually marked or organized but the prices are drastically reduced. The pricing schedule is as follows” Saturday and Sunday $7; Monday – $5; Tuesday, $3; Wed. $2; Thursday $1 and Friday .50.  Merchandize is purchased from overstocks, shelf pulls, seasonal merchandise and online returns.

Pictured are: (from left) Vicky Hillsman, Tanya Moran, Bill Fleming, El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jackson Tough, Dixie Haddock, Kate McFarland, Glenda Baker, Catherine Murdock, In and Out-let owner Donna Stewart, Lance Hedrick, Bonnie Bowman, Jodie Cole,, Sharon West Lansing, El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce President Heather Brown, Georgia Detwiler, Michelle LaRoux, El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce Co-exeutive Director Peggy Snodgrass, Sylvia Ackley, Earl Ackley and Chamber of Commerce Vice President Jordan Payne.

Check out the In and Out-let on Facebook.