The El Dorado Springs R-2 Board met in regular session on Thursday June 9, 2022 at 7 p.m. in the MS/HS Library. After approval of the consent agenda, board president Josh Floyd read a note from the family of Yvonne Worthington.
The board then recognized retiree Suzan Durnell, who retired after 30 years of teaching. 23 of those years were in El Dorado Springs.
The board then recognized MaryAnn Speight, who has served in the El Dorado Springs R-2 School District’s kitchen since 1979!
In old business, the board then heard a construction update from Mr. Oates. The board amended the 2022-2023 Calendar, correcting the date of MLK Day. The corrected calendar is attached.
In new business, three desks were declared surplus property. A special board meeting was scheduled for June 23, 2022 at 7 p.m. This is the annual budget meeting. The board approved surplus property bids for the two mowers. The 2004 Toro high bid was $600 and the 2007 Dixie Chopper bid was $701.
The board then approved updated 2022-2023 salary schedules for all employees. The teacher salary and the non-certified schedules are attached to this email. During the meeting Mr. Oates explained to the board how the increases in teacher salary will be paid. Because the teacher’s base salary schedule is unchanged and these additions may not be permanent, the updated amounts will not be paid as part of teacher’s regular monthly checks. The green and red columns will be paid in separate payrolls twice annually–50% in November 2022 and 50% in May 2023.
The board then discussed the management of club accounts.
In closed session, the board accepted the resignation of Nick Engleman as a teacher and coach. He will serve as the district’s athletic director in 2022-23.
The board accepted the resignation of Delanie Tipton.
The board tabled a motion to accept the resignation of Angie Johnson until a suitable replacement is approved by the board.
The board tabled a motion to accept the resignation of Nancy Coffer until a suitable replacement is approved by the board.
The board voted to hire Joy McCallister as an elementary teacher.
The board will meet to set the 2022-23 budget on Thursday June 23rd.
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