As LPHAs (local public health agencies) across the State of Missouri have been tasked with COVID-19 activities related to public safety, we have been working closely with our neighboring counties that are a part of the Southwest Region.  A pandemic cannot be controlled if every county has their own way of managing it, without concern for their neighboring counties.

Cedar County Health Department is one of many LPHAs working closely with their school systems to assist the schools in providing a safe environment for in person learning.  We believe that modified quarantine could provide that environment as long as it is monitored at the school level.  After much consideration, and looking at our resources for staffing in the school systems, we have also included adults in the modified quarantine where other counties have not.  Sending children to school without the staff to teach them wouldn’t accomplish our goal of in person education.  Should the measures we have taken not provide the results that are intended, we will consider other options and adjust our sails.

Jenean Ehlers, RN Community Services Manager

Cedar County Health Department