During his Nursing Report at the Cedar County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, Aug. 15, Chief Nursing Officer Drew Alexander reported that the hospital was down four RN’s and is currently having to use very expensive agency nurses to cover the shifts. He said there is a statewide shortage of RN’s. Hospital CEO Jana Witt presented a memo from the administration to CCMH employees that would make them eligible to receive a bonus for referring an experienced registered nurse who accepts employment with CCMH.

Present at the meeting were Board President Judy Renn, Vice-President Jan Neale, Secretary/Treasurer John Walker and Board Members Carla Griffin and Julia Phillips as well as Witt, Director of Finance Carla Gilbert, Hospital Attorney Bryan Breckenridge and Recording Secretary Terri Heitz.

Alexander also said that the hospital has received all the necessary equipment for the Stroke and STEMI Center designation and he is working to finalize the application.

Witt said that the hospital will host a reception for Dr. Barbara Chilton, pediatrician, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 1, at the Medical Mall Clinic. The first 50 kids to attend the reception, accompanied by a parent/guardian, will receive a T-shirt. CCMH is also sponsoring a coloring contest for grades k-3. The winner will be announced at Dr. Chilton’s reception. Dr. Chilton begins her practice at the Medical Mall on Aug. 29.

DOF Gilbert reported that revenue for the hospital in July was $1,865,145 with total operating expenses of $1,100,374. Total deductions from revenue were $844,815. She reported a loss off of operations of $77,934 and a net loss of $57,991 after taxes, interest and donations.