Taberville Report

by Bobby Dains

Dains Fish Farm

There are lots of people snagging today (Saturday). They are catching fish from 81 down to 20, but nobody is limiting out. Everything is from the boat, nothing from the bank. I saw a 120 yesterday. If we have a rain and get water movement we will have a bunch of spoonbill move and everybody will catch a fish.

Lake Stockton Report

by Joey Fidler

Stockton State Park Marina

We had a lot of fishermen today and they caught a lot of fish. I think there may have been a bass tournemnt, I saw 14 bass boats. I’m not sure what they were catching. I just saw fish in baskets. It’s only my third weekend here.

Caplinger Report

by Danny Finch

Caplinger Woods

No water, they are working on the dam