Report for Truman Lake, Lake of the Ozarks, the Osage River (below Bagnell Dam) and Table Rock Lake
General Conditions
Not much has changed since last week. Snagging is continuing to slowly improve on Truman Lake, and Lake of the Ozarks, as water temperatures warm up despite the continued low flows. The fish are still scattered out, yet slowly moving upstream. Flows remain low as water temperatures are increasing. The fish are primarily 34-42”, and we’re continuing to see a few more females. The fish are in good condition. The Table Rock Lake level is low and water temperatures are in the mid 60’s. The fish are moving and we’re continuing to see fish and some of the larger females. There have been limits on Lake of the Ozarks and Table Rock Lake. We need an increase in flows, to really get the fish moving on Truman Lake and Lake of the Ozarks – think warm spring rains.
The weather is calling for some cooler days than what we’ve been seeing and there is some rain in the forecast. I would expect to see water temperatures continue to slowly increase and flows to stay the same or decrease if we don’t see any rain. I expect that snagging will continue to slowly improve Truman Lake and Lake of the Ozarks without an increase in flow. The fish are ready to move upstream, and an increase flow will really get the fish moving upstream. As water temperatures and flows increase snagging will improve. The fish will most likely be scattered out and in the deep holes. Harvest will primarily be the average 30-50 lb fish and we’ll continue to see a few of the larger females, including a few 75+ lb fish.
Another update on the paddlefish spawning at Blind Pony Hatchery. The eggs have hatched, and the fry have been stocked into the hatchery ponds!
This year I would expect snaggers to continue to see a lot of sublegal fish, especially 32-34-inch fish, these fish are from the large 2016 stocking. These fish are age-7 and starting to become legal (greater than 34-inches). It is extremely important to release all sublegal fish unharmed immediately and gently as they are the fish you will be harvesting in the future. Please don’t use gaffs on these sublegal fish.
Violations cited this past week include – snagging in a no snagging zone, taking fish without a permit/no permit (not a current fishing permit), keeping fish of illegal length (short fish) and taking game fish by illegal methods.
Dispose of your fish-cleaning waste responsibly when cleaning paddlefish. Help keep areas clean and inviting for everyone to enjoy.
If you have any questions call 660-530-5500 or email
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