Met with Chad Pyle, Assessor

Requests to process court order #26634-26651, to add-on the assessed valuation of newly purchased personal property. 

Met with Sheriff James McCrary

Inmate Housing = 49

Agreement for the drone purchase has been approved by Homeland Security.

Resident called to report concerns of a fence encroaching on a county road on CR1700/CR1115.  The location of the fence is on CR1115 located in a housing addition, not on a formal county road. 

Commission reviewed a culvert installation site on CR725.

Met with DJ Ford, Road & Bridge Supervisor

Commissioners and DJ Ford dismissed to review CR900 and CR1000.

Reviewed and approved progress invoice #15 for BRO-B020(18) prepared by Great River Engineering.  Reviewed documents received from MODOT concerning bridge #0760015.

Clerk presented Cares Act Funding reimbursement requests received from the Cedar County Ambulance District and the Cedar County Health Department.

Motion by Boultinghouse to approve the CYBERDEFENSE Election Essentials Package and Security Policy Package offered by the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office for a period of 3 years at no cost to the county, second by Anderson. Collins – Yes, Anderson – Yes, Boultinghouse – Yes

Received a call from a resident on CR1001 thanking the road and bridge department for the gravel placement.

Reviewed monthly report from Sheriff’s Office.

Bills and payroll were approved.