The following felonies have been filed in Cedar County:
John Jacob Cox, El Dorado Springs, domestic assault 2nd
Robert Scott Smith, Stockton, DWR/S, misds-ownr opr mv wtht maintng fncl respnblty or oprtr who athrzd athr to opr mv wtht fncl, no seat belt 12/29
The following misdemeanors have been filed in Cedar County:
John D Donahue, El Dorado Springs, resisting/interfering w/arrest, detention or stop, assault-L/E, C/O, E.P, Hwy Wkr in construction/wrk zone, utility wrkr or P&P by mea physical injury-3rd deg 7/14
Steven J Guzan, Kansas City, DWI 1/18
Becky Irene Tough, El Dorado Springs, DWI, endangering the welfare of a child 2nd deg 1/21
Steven Cameron, Osceola, passing bad check 10/27
The following misdemeanors have been disposed in Cedar County:
Cindy Leigh Hamilton. Jerico Springs, theft/stealing 4/16, 7 days incarceration jail 2/10
Jonathan R McKown, Overland Park, KS, oper personal watercraft in excess off slow no-wake speed within 50 ft of any vessel or person in/on water 5/27/06 , $ 47.50 fine 2/10
The following traffic violations have been disposed in Cedar County:
Tara B Bohrn, Flemington, ownr opr mv wtht maintng fncl rspnblty or oprtr who athrzd athr to opr mv wtht fncl rspnblty rqrd to be reg 9/5, $98.50 fine 2/15
Sylves Allen Dwerlkotte, Stockton, DWR/S, operated mtr veh w/brakes not in good working order, no seat belt 12/31, $160 fine 2/10
Tommy Shane Morris, Stockton, DWI-alcohol 6/19, two year probation 2//17
Jared C Pyle, Jerico Springs, DWI-alcohol 11/16, two years probation 2/15
Christopher R Edwards, 21 526 Jayhawker, Walker, operated mtr veh w/brakes not in good working order 8/12. $100 fine 2/16
Robert Scott Smith, 10500 E Hwy Z. Stockton. ownw opr mv wtht maintng fncl respnblty or oprtr who athrzd athr to opr mv wtht fncl respnblty, no seat belt 8/11, $108.50 fine 2/15
Brook Allyson Strother, 3325 E Summit Ridge Dr, Springfield, operated mtr veh w/brakes not in good working order. 12/16, $100 fine 2/17
Charles Herbert Tweedy Jr, 653 North St, Flemington, fail to stop for stop sign at stop line/before crosswalk/point nearest intersection 1/3/16, $4.50 fine 2/21
The following civil cases have been disposed in Cedar County:
DOR-CE v Allan Keith Trucking LLC, El Dorado Springs. Judgment entered $423.10
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v VJ Harelson, El Dorado Springs. Judgment transcribed $3,118.48
DOR-CE v Jason David Locke, Stockton. Judgment entered $1,194.73
DOR-CE v Newton Contracting LLC, Stockton. Judgment entered $423.10
DOR-CE v Parrotte Cattle Company LLC, Stockton. Judgment entered $423.10
DOR-CE v CWC Trucking Enterprises LL, 503 W Carman Rd, El Dorado Springs. Certificate of tax lien – withholding tax $423.35
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v Sharin Kay Lamb. 202 W Marvin Ave, Walker, Judgment entered $3,618.80
DOR-CE v Thoreson Ranch Inc, 119 Winner Rd, El Dorado Springs. Certificate of tax lien – withholding tax $574.15
Diane Barker v Debbie Webber. Judmt full order protection.
Makayle Scharschell v Brandon Booth, Judmt full order protectio
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