The following felonies have been filed in St Clair County:

Thomas L Rees. Bronson,  KS, passing bad check  5/8

Steven W Wilson, Osceola, possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of maijuana, misds-possession of up to 35 grams marijuana, unlawful use of drug paraphernalia  8/17

Matthew R Todd, Deepwater,  delivery of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana or synthetic can, possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of maijuana/synthetic can x 2, misd-unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia  2/25

Amy J Hastings, Urich,  possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana  2/15

Helen E Gown, Blairstown, possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of maijuana/synthetic can, misd-unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia  2/15

Jessica R Dunnington,  Deepwater, passing bad check 5/27, misds-passing bad check  x 2  5/31

The following misdemeanors have been filed in St Clair County:

Misty M Roberts,
Clinton, passing bad check  5/18

Kimberly R Balthrope, Appleton City, ownr opr MV wtht maintng fncl rspnblty or oprtr who athrzd athr to opr MV wtht fin, DWR/S  1/31

Seth E Greufe, Montrose, DWR/S, fail to register mtr veh  1/31

Keith Allen Bailey, Appleton City, oper  veh on hwy w/o valid license, ownr opr MV wtht maintng fncl rspnblty or oprtr who athrzd athr to opr MV wtht fin  1/29

Kendall C Dallas, Wheatland, passing bad check  11/3

Timmy E Carter, Appleton City, domestic assault 4th  2/1

Andrew R Collins, Osceola, DWR/S  1/4

James T Helms, Osceola, DWR/S, fail to register mtr veh  2/5

William B Wilcox, Rockville, theft/stealing  12/6

James E Dodson, Deepwater, receiving stolen property  12/26

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