The following felonies have been filed in Cedar County:
William Andrew Kapas, El Dorado Springs, fugitive from out of state 6/13
The following misdemeanors have been filed in Cedar County:
Alana R Valenzuela, Stockton, leaving scene of accident 6/1
Matthew Duane Hicks, Humansville, DWI 6/7
John H Wilson, Winfield, KS, DWI 6/10
Bhaskarbhai N Patel, Joplin, operating lodging establishment without a license 10/1
Douglas D Dozler, El Dorado Springs, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia 5/20
Mindy Ann Drum, Stockton, ownr opr mv wtht maintng fncl respnblty, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less, exceeded posted speed limit by 11 – 15 mph, no seat belt 5/25
Barry Mayes, Jerico Springs, DWR/S, oper mtr veh owned by another knowing owner of veh has not maintained fin resp, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia 5/9
Christopher Pitcher, Stockton, exceeded posted speed limit by 26 mph or more 6/2
Michelle Lynn Rees, Ft. Scott, exceeded posted speed limit by 16-19 mph 3/2
Mark Pacillio, El Dorado Springs, ownr opr mv wtht maintng fncl rspnblty 6 /9
Charity J Lumley, El Dorado Springs, ownr opr mv wtht maintng fncl rspnblty 6/9
Mackenzie Renee Olds, Nevada, possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia 6/1
Brady Lynn Bond, Nevada, purchase/attempt to purchase or possession of liquor by minor 6/11
Donald Ray Boatwright Jr, Nevada, possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less-prior drug offense 6/11
Jessi Maree Toliver, El Dorado Springs, oper a mtr veh in a careless and imprudent manner involving an accident 6/5
Joshua Quade Evans, El Dorado Springs, fail to yield right of way to vehicle/pedestrian lawfully in controlled intersection/crosswalk 6/6
Sherrie D Lohmeyer, Gladstone, oper a mtr veh in a careless and imprudent manner involving an accident 5/29
Matthew L Smith, Kansas City, possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid of 10 grams or less 5/28
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