City of El Dorado Springs vs:
Nov. 14
Danny Darnell, tall Grass 3rd offense, $ 175.50
Laine Dobbs, speeding 45 /25, $79.60
Trevor Gant, speeding 40/25, $59.50
David Guinn, expired license plates, $50.50
Jamie Hubbard, expired operators, Fail to show proof of ins, $171.50
Amanda Johnson, dog license required, $50.50
Jonathon Mart, Fail to stop stop sign, $75.50
Jacob Maxson, trespassing, $75.50
Jason Smith, Fail to stop stop sign, $75.50
Michael Taylor, fail to stop stop sign, $75.50
Edward Whitter, assault, $225.50
Bret Gish, Nuisance Disabled veh, $50.50
Cody Hagerman, assault, $225.50
Dustin Erickson, discharge gun in City, $125.50
Shawna Guenther, Obnoxious Dog, $75.50
Amy Miller, Fail to yield w acc, $100.50
Henry Stebbins, Dist of the Peace fighting x 2 $451
Carmen Tucker, Assault, $225.50
Nathan Vance, DWRevocked, $425.50
Sarah Woodall, False police report, dist of the peace fighting, $451
Shannon Burns, Fail to appear per ct order, $75.50
David Griffith, Fail to appear per ct order, $75.50
Derek Masters, Fail to appear per subpoena, $75.50
Tracie York, Fail to appear per ct order, $75.50
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