Oct. 14 – Ricky Sherlin Jr, 36, Appleton City, arrested on St. Clair County warrant charging him with class A misdemeanor domestic assault-third degree. Bond i set at $2,500 cash or surety.
Charge stems from St. Clair County Sheriff’s office investigation Sept. 14 on NE 151 Rd. Female victim stated Sherlin threw item at her, chest bumped her, pushed her into a corner of the house, grabbed her by her throat and banged her head into the wall. Victim stated she got away from Sherlin and he ran after her jumping over a recliner, knocking it over, and knocking pictures off the wall.
Oct. 16 – Deputy took report at Tiffin Baptist Church on SW O Hwy, in reference to an attempted burglary. Peggy Snodgrass reported a window and door on church building were damaged. Nothing inside appeared to have been tampered with or missing.
Contact made with El Dorado Springs Police Department due to two recent burglaries at churches there. Suspect was named.
Oct. 17 – Michael Helm, 32, El Dorado Springs, arrested on a St. Clair County warrant charging him with class B felony burglary first degree. Bond set at $10,000 cash or surety.
Charge stems from St. Clair County Sheriff’s office investigation oMay 6, 2015, when deputies were dispatched to SW 900 Rd, El Dorado Springs, in reference to an attempted burglary. Stormy Haddan reported two individuals attempted to enter her residence through a window and fled from the residence in a vehicle.
Cierra Jordan, 25, Kansas City, arrested at the St. Clair County Sheriff’s office on a Johnson County, KS, no bond warrant for a felony charge of larceny
Oct. 18 – Robby Primeau, 38, Roscoe, arrested on St. Clair County warrant charging him with class D felony driving while revoked and misdemeanor no insurance. Bond set at $5,000 cash or surety.
Charges stem from St. Clair County Sheriff’s office investigation July 25 when a traffic stop was conducted on vehicle Primeau was driving. A check revealed his driving privileges were revoked.
Harvey Bishop, 56, Grandview, arrested on St. Clair County warrant charging him with class A felony assault on law enforcement officer-first degree and class D felony resisting arrest by fleeing. Bond is set at $35,000 cash only.
Charges stem from St. Clair County Sheriff’s office investigation the previous day when deputies were advised of a wrong way driver travelling southbound on Hwy 13 in the northbound lane. Deputies responded and observed a red Ford Explorer driving south in the northbound lane. Emergency lights and sirens were activated and the vehicle sped up to 80 miles per hour.
One deputy attempted to stop vehicle by blocking one lane of highway with his patrol car. Bishop did not slow down and accelerated nearly striking another deputy’s patrol car. Rolling roadblock was conducted and Bishop began to slow down. While doing so, Bishop’s vehicle struck the back of a patrol car causing minor damage. After vehicle stopped contact made with Bishop, who could not stand up or walk without falling. He admitted to drinking multiple alcoholic drinks and taking Ambien pills earlier the same day.Disclaimer: Arrest records are public information. Any indication of an arrest does not mean the individual identified has been convicted of a crime. All persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Oct 19 – Deputy took report on North Maple, Appleton City, regarding a stolen vehicle. Mary Scheer reported a 1974 Ford F-150 stolen from her home. She described the truck as burgundy in color, two wheel drive and regular cab. Scheer stated the vehicle is owned by Paul Rotert. Suspect named who was seen driving the truck.
Oct. 24, information was received the vehicle was located on the side of Highway 7 near Sycamore Grove in Cass County. It was noted the truck was found by a deputy in the early morning hours with the keys in the ignition.
Oct 19 – Deputy took report from Jessica McClure regarding her son’s bicycle stolen from a yard on East Second Street, Appleton City. She described the bicycle as a Hyper brand, black matte with a yellow Fuzzy’s Bait and Booze sticker on it. She noted her son’s friend’s bike was also taken. The friend’s bike was described as a 20-inch white, black and red bicycle. Investigations are ongoing. Sheriff Keeler urges those with any related information should contact the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office Tip Line, 417-646-5832, or email to tips@scsomo.org.
Jeremy Schies, 31, Stockton, arrested at the St. Clair County Courthouse on a St. Clair County warrant charging him with class C felony assault on a law enforcement officer and class D felony resisting/interfering with arrest for a felony. Warrant issued on Oct. 13 and bond set at $25,000 cash or surety.
Charges stem from investigation on July 16 after deputies dispatched to assist Osceola Police Department with stopping two motorcycles traveling at high rate of speed and failing to yield.The motorcycles were originally traveling northbound on Hwy 13. When they reached Lowry City they turned around and started traveling southbound on Hwy 13. Several deputies joined in the attempt to stop the vehicles. While passing Hwy 82 speeds reached approximately 135 miles per hour.
Near SE 650 Rd, Collins, the motorcycles passed a truck driven by Schies that was pulling a trailer with four wheelers. Truck switched lanes in front of a deputy and prevented the deputy from continuing after fleeing motorcycles. One deputy stopped following the motorcycles and attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the truck. Schies failed to yield to the deputy’s emergency lights and sirens and refused to pull over for several miles.
Near the Polk County line, Schies slammed on his brakes and came to a complete stop in the middle of the lane. A felony traffic stop was conducted and Schies taken into custody and later released pending a formal charge.
Oct. 21- Roy Love, 21, Mapleton, KS, arrested at St. Clair County Courthouse on a St. Clair County warrant and an El Dorado Police Department warrant. The St. Clair County warrant charges Love with failing to appear in court on an original infraction of no seat belt. Bond set at $10 cash only. Warrant from El Dorado Police Department charges Love with a city ordinance violation-fail to obey officer. Bond set at $625.50.
Austin Wilson, 19, Osceola, arrested at St. Clair County Courthouse on a Perry County warrant charging him with class C felony tampering with motor vehicle-first degree. Bond set at $10,000 cash or surety. Warrant issued on Sept. 22 and stems from Perryville Police Department investigation Aug. 7.
Micheal Naylor, 48, Osceola, arrested on St Clair County warrant charging him with class C felony receiving stolen property. Bond set at $15,000 cash or surety. Naylor was in custody on a writ at the St. Clair County jail from Missouri Department of Corrections when warrant was served. Charge stems from St. Clair County Sheriff’s office investigation in November 2015 when George Harper reported an 8,000 pound winch, a bench grinder and Poulan chainsaw missing from his garage on NE 450 Rd. Total value of items estimated at $1,160. During investigation it was learned a winch and chainsaw were sold to an individual in Clinton. The items were seized as evidence and later identified by Harper as his property.
Oct 23 – Deputy took report from Paul Peterman in reference to stolen cattle from his property on SE 951 Rd. Peterman said he is missing two all black cows, one black cow with a white face, and one black cow with a black and white face. He noted identifying marks-all of the cows have a yellow ear tag in the right ear. Total value of cattle estimated at $4,800. Peterman located his cattle on another individual’s property. Cattle returned and suspect identified.
Oct 25 – Deputy took stealing report on NE 276 Rd. John White reported items stolen from his property. Items included a trail cam, Stihl weedeater and Stihl Farm Boss chainsaw.
Richard Armstrong, 44, Corpus Cristie, TX, arrested on three St. Clair County warrants, class D felony non support and failing to appear in court on misdemeanor charges of non support and violation of an order of protection. Total bond set at $5,141.50 cash only.
St. Clair County warrant issued for Marcus Howard, 21, Raymore, for probation revocation on an original class C felony charge of possessing a controlled substance. Bond set at $5,000 cash only. Original charge stems from Osceola Police Department investigation June 2014.
Oct. 26 – Deputy took stolen vehicle report on NE 451 Rd. William Buckler reported a dark green 1999 Honda Accord stolen from his driveway. Suspect named. Later the same day, it was learned the vehicle was recovered in Jackson County by Missouri State Highway Patrol after it was involved in a motor vehicle accident and was towed.
Terry Sieleman, 38, Appleton City, arrested on a St. Clair County warrant charging him with class C felony possession of a controlled substance and class A misdemeanor unlawful use of drug paraphernalia. Bond set at $20,000 cash or surety.
Charges stem from St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office investigation the previous day. Traffic stop conducted on vehicle Sieleman was a passenger in. During investigation, members of the Mid Missouri Multi Jurisdiction Drug Task Force arrived on scene to assist with the stop. Check revealed Sieleman had two warrants from Henry County for failing to appear in court on misdemeanor charges of harassment and speeding. Total bond on those charges set at $1,274 cash or surety. Sieleman taken into custody.
Investigation continued atcamper Sieleman resides in behind an abandoned residence on Burdette Street, Appleton City. Plastic bag with white powder and several items of drug paraphernalia were discovered in camper. White powder field tested positive for methamphetamine. Sieleman taken into custody.
St. Clair County warrants issued for Justin Johnson, 20, Osceola; Chevy Ashbaker, 18, Sheldon and Brandon Damewood, 17, El Dorado Springs, charging them each with three counts of class C felony arson-second degree. Bonds set at $30,000 cash only in each case. Charges stem from investigation that started Sept. 16 when St. Clair County deputies were called to three suspicious fires in Taberville area. Deputies took initial reports and investigations were turned over to the Missouri State Fire Marshal.
St. Clair County warrant issued for Christian Myers, 24, El Dorado Springs, charging him with class C felony attempted burglary-first degree. Bond is set at $10,000 cash or surety.
Charge stems from St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office investigation May 6, 2015, when deputies dispatched to SW 900 Rd, in reference to attempted burglary. Stormy Haddan reported individuals attempted to enter her residence through a window and fled from the residence in a vehicle.
Disclaimer: Arrest records are public information. Any indication of an arrest does not mean the individual identified has been convicted of a crime. All persons arrested are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sheriff Keeler urges those with any information related to the location of these individuals to contact the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office Tip Line, 417-646-5832, or email to tips@scsomo.org.
Court Case updates
Samuel O’Bryan placed on probation
Daniel Smith placed on probation
Micky Kottwitz placed on probation
Lauren Crawford pleads guilty. Sentencing set for Nov. 28.
Jacob Hudgens placed on probation
Timothy Wingard pleads guilty. Sentencing set for Nov. 28.
Micka White pleads guilty. Sentencing set for Oct. 31.
David Eaton sentenced to Missouri Department of Corrections in two cases
Lucas Santellano pleads guilty. Sentenced to county jail.
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