Exciting news broke at the last minute Tuesday. Governor Greitens announced his resignation which means that as of Friday, Friend of El Dorado

Springs and Cedar County Mike Parson will step into the governor’s office. I guess he may not have time to come cook hotdogs for us at the annual Christmas lighting any more, but we know that he knows us.

  – I got dog bit last Thursday evening for the first time in my life. I’m not counting Mom’s kennel mommas who would discipline me if they disapproved of my puppy handling.

Many times when I go to an unfamiliar residence, I carry my heavy oak cane. No dog has ever even threatened me when I had it in hand.

I don’t know if my cane would have saved me. Kimball had called the people three times for directions which let them know that we were coming. She drove in and parked north of two other cars that were still there. I exited the passenger side, walked to the back of our car and started to holler at people seated at a picnic table south of the cars to ask them where to go. One of the two dogs there with them, a short, compact dark colored Australian Shepherd mix, never made a sound. It just lowered its head and covered the 30 yards between us in about three second. It hit my left leg hard just above the ankle and grabbed my jeans as it went by tearing them. Thank God it missed my flesh.

As it circled me, the owners hollered and asked if I was OK. I told them it tore my jeans.

Turned out they know the dog bites.

To allow for my torn jeans, the lady gave Kimball a 25% discount on her flowers order that then totaled $16. I don’t know that $5 will fix them.

I can’t go back and deal with the dog because I know that it bites and it would be my fault.

– Travis and Monica Stoll (he of Bulldog Brew fame) finally have both of their newborn twins at home. After a few days delay, they named them, the big one at 5 lbs. plus is Temper. I finished the naming process dubbing the 3 lb. model Tantrum. Well, actually Travis says its Tatum.

– I told our tech guy and friend, Dewey Hansen, one of those truths that we hold to be self-evident: There may be no such thing as a stupid question, but there are lots of inquisitive idiots. KL

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