I plan to listen to the advice from Florida Governor Ron Desantis “you can hide from the wind, but run from the water.
I’ve been caught in one hurricane, Rita, because Kimball and Adrian wanted to stay for breakfast with friends when Adrian’s college told everybody they could go home. Not much rain but the wind was howling out of the east all day long. Took us 14 hours to make an eight hour trip back to El Dorado Springs from Shreveport. We were the only vehicle in the parking lot that had some huge live oak trees.
I thought we’d be out of the storm by the time we got to the Arkansas/Louisiana line. Wrong. It was the Arkansas/Missouri line before the wind let up. Next time I’ll run from the water and the wind. I remember in Ashdown, AR, a border town, the wind was blowing the rain out of the puddles. So there was some rain, just not a toad strangler.
When we crossed the Red River when we were diverted because a big pine tree blew down across Hwy. 71, a field of maybe 200 or 300 cattle all had their rear ends pointed east, toward the wind.
It was hairy crossing that narrow two lane bridge.
I just noticed that shotgun turkey season is open for the month of October. Normally Davis and I would have been out their amongst them. I hope to be walking better by next year. Getting old is no picnic.
Kimball tells me this is going to be an interesting weekend with homecoming and other activities going on.
We had a lot of r trouble finding the Chief’s game on TV Sunday night. They were ahead 10-3 when Kimball found it,
Last time the Chiefs played against Tom Brady it didn’t go so well. This time Patrick Mahommes was in rare form.
We found it in time to see Mahommes do whatever he did to get the ball to the Chief in the end zone I saw it but can’t find words to describe it.
I was never nervous in the 41-31 cakewalk.
I didn’t get a football report from the school. I saw on TV that we lost 40-6 Friday night, When I had an appointment with Dr. Wyant last week, he told me his son tried out for place kicker and got the job. I want to see if the six points came from two field goals he sank. I left a message at Dr. Wyant’s office at 4:30 p.m. KL
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