Having made a “Typo” last week, I was relieved to know that other people do to. This particular one caught me by surprise and was good for a laugh. I was reading through John Gundy’s book “Facts About El Dorado Springs and Community.” The book, written in 1948, was praising the new Tough Addition in the southeast corner of town fronting Highway 54 as an example of modern, progressive home building. Then he went on to express one of the reasons he believed El Dorado Springs was a good place to live.
“Immortality is frowned upon by people in every walk of life.”
I thought that the end of December would indicate that things were slowing down, but with three “Monday Holidays’ in January, I still feel as if I’m scrambling to catch up.
February doesn’t seem to be any better. My grandson, Ben, has a birth on Feb 4, Mardi Gras is on Feb 13, Valentine’s Day is on Feb. 14 and the Chamber has its banquet on the 15.
I want to thank Karen Dobson for keeping me straight with the pictures for the ECS Court Warming.
On My Own has a new logo and a QR code that will help you find out anything you want to know. See page 10.
We’re continuing with “From the Past.” Evidently, we had a column in 1981 called “Meet Your Police.” The article of Jan..31 is about Kirk Simone. See page 3
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