El Dorado Springs new Police Chief Brett Dawn was sworn in at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning at City Hall by City Clerk Kandi Rotert.
I heard the loveliest thing about El Dorado Springs the other day. This person said that El Dorado Springs most important attribute was its feeling of family – that was its identity- generations of the same families living here and keeping things moving. That’s hard to see sometimes. But I’ve lived here long enough to be able to see family trees with all the branches, twigs and leaves. And if you think about trees, they provide shade and comfort as well. They can provide a fire if you need warmth, shelter if you need a home, sustenance if you need food and a way home if you use them for landmarks.
Groundhog Day is this Friday. If the critter has any sense at all it will make sure that we don’t have six more weeks of weather even vaguely like what we had a couple of weeks ago. Remember, if it doesn’t see its shadow, it is predicting an early spring. I just read that the groundhog in Pennsylvania only has a 39% accuracy rate. I’m sure a Missouri groundhog could do better. KSL
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