Several months ago, Mrs. Heather Johnson, the El Dorado Christian School elementary music teacher, found herself frustrated with the lack of available children’s musicals that conveyed the message she had on her heart. She found several, but none that really “hit home,” so to speak. So she decided that she would just write the program herself.

Mrs. Johnson chose several fitting songs and worked them into the plot, crafting a script that she felt gave an important message. This is Mrs. Johnson’s first year at El Dorado Christian School, but not her first year in some form of children or youth ministry. She felt inspired to tell the story of Carly, a new girl at a fictional Christian school. Everyone assumed she was a Christian because she went to the Christian school, but that was not the case. Johnson’s message was that appearances and associations don’t always reflect the condition of the heart.

The K3 and K4 preschool classes were adorable as always with their opening acts. The audience was entertained by singing, bell-ringing, and some off-script wiggling. The elementary’s original production of “Thank You, Jesus” was an overwhelming success, with great reviews from all in attendance. The students, ranging from Kindergarten to 6th grade, were professional and full of talent. The sound and lights were run by ECS high school students and were equally impressive. The program was powerfully moving and ended with an altar call and prayer. Mrs. Johnson and the staff say, “Thank you, Jesus!”