Prayer at the Pole was held  at 7:15 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, just outside the El Dorado Springs High School. This event was sponsored by the ElDo FCA Club (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).

Russell Furguson, FCA President, started the event by leading the participants in a short, yet thought-provoking devotional. Crowd members were then encouraged to group up for a time of prayer.

After group prayer, attendees formed a large circle and recited The Lord’s Prayer in unison.

Donuts were kindly provided by Church of the Nazarene.

FCA Teacher Leader Tandi Leonard stated, “We were thrilled with the turnout! We had approximately 100 people in attendance. We had community members, pastors, parents, school faculty and students, all worshiping together. It was a beautiful sight!”

According to Mrs. Leonard, El Do HS FCA has approximately 55 members this current school year.

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