The El Dorado Springs VFW Post 257 held their 2024 Scholarship Banquet on Monday, March 25, at the Post Home at the corner of Pine and 1st in El Dorado Springs.
After the meal and before recognizing the honorees for the evening, Amie Longhofer and Mike Houston remembered the nation’s POW’s and MIA’s with a MIA-POW ceremony.
MC Roger Floyd said, “The VFW believes strongly in Good Citizenship and fostering patriotism. That’s why we encourage youthful minds to examine our national history and their own experiences in modern society through our Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy contests.”
The Patriot’s Pen is for grades 6-8. Each contestant writes an essay of 300 – 400 words. The essay’s theme, chosen by the National Commander was ‘How are you Inspired by America?”
The local VFW received a total of 46 entries. Students from Roscoe, El Dorado Springs Public School and El Dorado Christian School participated.
Patriot’s Pen – 3rd place winners received $50 from the Post, $10 from the auxiliary, a medal and certificate: 2nd place winners received $75 from the Post, $25 from the Auxiliary, a medal and certificate: 1st place winners received $100 from the Post, $50 from the Auxiliary, a medal and certificate.
The Voice of Democracy was created to provide high school students, grades 9-12, the unique opportunity to express themselves in regard to democratic ideas and principles.
Each essay is written and recorded as a three to five minutes presentation. There were a total of 36 entries from the Stockton, Christian and Public High Schools.
Voice of Democracy – 3rd place winners received $50 from the Post, $10 from the Auxiliary, a medal and certificate: 2nd place winners received $75 from the Post, $25 from the Auxiliary , a medal and certificate: 1st place winners received $100 from the Post, $50 from the Auxiliary, medal and certificate.
VFW Post 257 is the oldest chartered post in the state of Missouri. It will be 105 years old in Nov. 2024.
Stockton winners – 1st Place – Ellie Flora, 2nd Place – Trevor Johnson, 3rd Place – Gilbert Alexander were not available for photographs due to scheduling conflicts.

PATRIOT’S PEN ECS – (from left) 1st Place Laura Purtle, 2nd Place Arayah Cope, 3rd Place Eva Bailey.

PATRIOT’S PEN PUBLIC SCHOOL – (from left) 1st Place Khloe Keffer, 2nd Place Serenity Witt, 3rd Place Aleta Lynne.

PATRIOT’S PEN ROSCOE – (from left) 1st Place Ashley Espera, 2nd Place Dillon Bodine, 3rd Place Kammie Hooper.

VOICE OF DEMOCRACY ECS– (from left) 1ST Place – Jason Conduff (2nd place at District out of 76 entries), 2nd Place Camren Reasoner, 3rd Place Sophia Bryson.

VOICE OF DEMOCRACY PUBLIC SCHOOL – (from left) 1st Place Piper Spencer, 2nd Place Lela Brown, 3rd Place Audrey Goatley.
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