WHAT A WAY TO END THE SEASON – Coach Kelly Bryson and her Lady Buffalos began an uphill battle on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 20 and 21, at the 2016 MCSAA State Volleyball Finals in Joplin. With the brackets set, the Buffalos were scheduled to play Community Christian Academy beginning at 8 a.m. sharp on

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Nuclear CSI: Noninvasive procedure could ID criminal nuclear activity

by Molly Peterson Determining if an individual has handled nuclear materials, such as uranium or plutonium, is a challenge national defense agencies currently face. The standard protocol to detect uranium exposure is through a urine sample; however, urine is able to only identify those who have been exposed recently. Now, scientists at the University of

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Cook and freeze now to avoid holiday stress

One way to reduce holiday stress is to prepare some of the food ahead of time and freeze it. From casseroles to cookies, you can have a large portion of your holiday food ready before the actual day arrives. “But some things freeze better than others,” said Tammy Roberts, University of Missouri Extension nutrition and

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Firearms Deer Season opening weekend harvest totals exceed 96,000+

Last year hunters checked 93,896 deer during the opening weekend of the 2015 November portion of firearms deer season. Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that deer hunters in Missouri harvested 96,131 deer during the opening weekend of the November portion of the fall firearms deer season Nov. 12 and 13.

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November Missouri Conservationist available online

The complete November issue of the Missouri Conservationist is available for viewing and/or download at mdc.mo.gov/conmag. This month’s features: Forest and Woodland Conservation Local partners sustain Missouri’s diverse forests for people, plants, and animals 2016–2017 Seedling Order Form George O. White State Forest Nursery Hunters, Help Us! Sampling of harvested deer for chronic wasting disease

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Buy native trees and shrubs from MDC State Forest Nursery

Native trees and shrubs can help improve wildlife habitat and soil and water conservation while also improving the appearance and value of private property. The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) George O. White State Forest Nursery offers a variety of low-cost native tree and shrub seedlings for reforestation, windbreaks, erosion control, wildlife food and cover,

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Creating confidence: 8 steps to feeling more self-assured

Virtually everyone struggles with a lack of self-confidence at some point in their lives and it’s perfectly normal to feel unsure of yourself in certain situations. However, if you find a lack of confidence is holding you back from fully enjoying your personal life, or achieving your professional goals, it may be time to take

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Want a memory boost? Try a hearing test

Intrigued by all the brain-training products out there to keep your mind sharp and spirits young? You may want to consider something else: A hearing test. That’s right. Mounting evidence links untreated hearing loss to impaired memory and diminished cognitive function. What that means is, if you keep brushing off that suspected hearing loss of

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The key to good caregiving: A healthy caregiver

It is estimated that more than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. For the vast majority, the deeply personal responsibility of caring for a loved one with a devastating disease constitutes a “labor of love,” but caregiving can take a severe emotional and physical toll on those providing

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