The James River Rendezvous Association participated in the second annual Bass Pro Outdoor Days in conjunction with the Governor’s Capitol Camping incentive. This event promotes healthy lifestyles through outdoor activities such as family camping and all other activities in the great outdoors. Local members participating were Les and Glenna Ray of El Dorado Springs and

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Rich Hill Alumni—128 Years Strong

by Beverly Sullins, alumni president Rich Hill’s annual alumni banquet was held on Saturday evening at the new Community Dome.  Approximately 160 people attended.  Our theme this year was “RHHS The Heart of Our Education.”  Tables were decorated with crape paper, arrangements in glass bowls with hearts, programs with streamers all in our school colors

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Seventh and eighth grade students from El Dorado Christian School traveled to Kansas City on Wednesday, May 10, to tour the World War 1 Museum and Memorial.  The tour was scheduled for two hours; however the ECS students stayed, asked questions and continued discussing all they had seen.  “Museum visits encourage experiential learning, which has

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Twenty students from El Dorado Christian School were awarded the National Fitness Award on Wednesday, May 18. The President’s Challenge, “helps promote health, and helps students earn a Presidential Youth Fitness Award. A student who scores in the Healthy Fitness Zone® (HFZ) in at least five test categories of the FITNESSGRAM® assessment is eligible to

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OATS named Rural Community Transportation System of the Year

OATS, Inc., was named the 2016 Rural Community Transportation System of the Year by the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) at its annual Awards Banquet, held this year in Portland, OR, on May 25. The system was recognized for its efforts in improving service to its passengers and serving the community. The award, presented

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El Dorado Middle School A all four quarters

6th grade Elliott Carpenter Tevi Gurley Kaylynne McCullick Morgan Mitchell Katylynn Moore Reese Schaaf 7th grade Rayden Davis Lydia Eason Brooke Ehlers Ian Esry Aidan Fugate Megan Griffin Brice Knoll Wraith Leyva Dorion Massengill Gaven Morgan Aunika Whitesell 8th grade Justin Dingerson Brooke  Larsen Hailey McGatha Jacob Owsley Reese Pellegrin

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ECS 4th quarter honor roll

A  honor roll 7th grade Isabelle Bryson Tevis Edmiston Kiely Messick Abigail Reasoner Jordanne Steuck 8th grade Brayden Housh 9th grade Bryce Walker 10th grade Abigail Batson Mindy Harper Caleb Jones Seth McKinney Ryan Owens Colten Pike Drew Steuck 11th grade Peyton Newman Cambria Witt 12th grade Paige Dobbs Chaney Housh B  honor roll 7th

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ElDo Middle School honor roll

A honor roll 8th grade Laylee Cartwright Justin Dingerson Brock Kirbey Abigail Klaiber Brooke Larsen Mashell McBride Garin McCullick Hailey McGatha Reece Pellegrin B honor roll Alexis Barnett Kelsey Burley Austin Cochran Tori Fetters Jordan Gallette Hannah Haberle Madison Hacker Derek Hayes Megan Hensley Taten Janes Laney Long Deston Malek Jacob Owsley Alexander Posey Austin

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Thank yous

We wish to thank all for the cards, letters, visits and phone calls to wish Norma and me a happy 68th wedding anniversary which was Sunday June 5. Thank you. Orville and Norma Taylor A great big thank you to all who spent time at Clintonville Cemetery receiving donations. Thank you to all who donated.

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Savvy Senior®

The new MIND diet may help prevent Alzheimer’s Dear Savvy Senior, I’ve heard that there’s a new diet that can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. What can you tell me about this? My 80-year-old mother has Alzheimer’s and I want to do everything I can to protect myself. Concerned Daughter Dear Concerned, It’s true! Research has

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