TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

TOPS Chapter 0319 El Dorado Springs met in the Church Of Christ meeting room on Thursday, June 2. We welcomed our Leader, Robbie, back after an eight-week illness. She is not 100% yet but on the way to recovery. Kay led us in singing, “We’ll Lose Weight”. We said our pledges and Robbie led us

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A beautiful Memorial Day near Mt. Zion

by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen Moring message at the Rockville United Methodist Church were by Leland Browning who spoke on Faith. Mt. Zion Home Bible study meets each Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home to study the Bible, with eight in attendance. As always, come join us Tuesday at

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El Dorado Springs Cemetery donations for 2015-16

$100 – Shirley Lynn, Lorene Kennon, Tim and Peggy Carter, Forrest and Sally Troyer, Glen H Jones, Delbert Bausch family and Timothy Carter. $75 – Jerry and Carleen Brackenridge $50 – Leona Bland, Pauline Hlavacek, Ettamae and Rowland Mays, James and Judy Brackenridge, George and Vera Hunt, Vera Whitesell, John and Edith Koger, Winnie Burrow,

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The new slate of officers was inducted at the May 16 meeting of Elizabeth Carey Chapter NSDAR. (From left back row) Carol Hackney-Corresponding Secretary, Dorothy Palmer-Recording, Lynda Bishop-Treasurer, Nancy Thompson-Registrar, Betty Plush-Historian and Marty Patton-Librarian; (front row) Linda Mitchell-Regent, Heather Brown-Vice Regent and Valo Jones-Chaplain.

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Royal Neighbors, pictured with Amanda Schiereck, CCMH Emergency Department Manager, generously donated stuffed animals for young patients who are seen in the Emergency Department at Cedar County Memorial Hospital.

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CCMH celebrates Hospital Week

Cedar County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) celebrated National Hospital Week, May 8-14, with a variety of activities. The theme of National Hospital Week 2016 was, “Health care from the Heart”. CCMH staff members started the week by asking employees to nominate the co-worker they felt had the biggest heart. All the entries were put into a

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2015 Mound Cemetery report

Jan. 15, 2015, Checking account balance $6,514.50 Violet Adamson (donation) $60 Ed Morlan (donation) $50 Interest from CDs $246.11 Interest from now account $7.30 Dustin Eason – mowing -$2,500 Jan. 8 2016, End balance $1,548.95 Donald and Roberta Oder (donation) $500 Memory of Addie Brown (donation) $50 By C. Joe Bush, Rebecca Cooper, Thomas Delancey

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Union Point Cemetery news

On Saturday, May 28,2016, the Union Point Cemetery yearly meeting was held. The meeting was called to order with 11 present. Among those present were: J.C. Marshall, president, Kristi Toliver treasurer, Nora Chaney, board member and Buell Cochran board member. It was agreed Buell Cochran would continue to mow the cemetery. Nora Chancy resigned as

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Remember Memorial Day

This week we, as a nation, observed Memorial Day. We traveled to the burial sites of our departed loved ones and placed flowers on their graves and spent a bit of time in remembrance of them. Or maybe we took advantage of the big “Memorial Day Sale,” or celebrated by having family bar-b-que. That is

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