Bozarth’s Response

Editor: Thank you for providing me with a modicum of grace, and not publishing my first response. It shows a true integrity and character and is greatly appreciated. You are correct in your response to my first letter that there have been some improvements to ElDo, but I regret that you missed the true nature

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Dear Mr. Bozarth – part II

I received your letter on Memorial Day. Thank you for your  military service. Please forgive me for not buying the one-foot in the grave scenario you keep preaching for El Dorado Springs. For two weeks in a row you’ve mentioned the failures of the past, the lack of leadership in years gone by and by

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Rodeo tragedy

Editor: I am very sorry for the recent death of the little girl involved in the barrel racing.  But my second thoughts are with the horse who must have been literally driven to it’s own early demise by an ambitious rider.  We need to take a moment to remember the animal.  I send my prayers

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Camp Galilee to host grand opening under new ownership

After closing its doors more than two summers ago, Camp Galilee will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand re-opening of the facility on Saturday, June 4. In September 2014, Camp Galilee, which had been an active and popular rustic youth camp for more than 50 years, was closed by the Missouri Conference of

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Second Division seeks soldiers

The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and our 95th annual reunion in Springfield, from Sept. 20 -24, 2016, contact Secretary-Treasurer Bob Haynes, at or 224/225-1202 or visit

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The Rock Wall

The wind Thursday took its toll. Mary said that a gentleman in Woody’s Trailer Court was sitting at his desk when a tree blew down on his trailer pinning him. His cell phone was nearby so he was able to call for help. He went to a Joplin hospital with a cracked, not broken, back.

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Solemn remembrance

CIRCUIT RIDERS COME TO VIRGIL CITY CEMETERY – As they have for many years, officers of Stockton VFW Post 5525 arrived at Virgil City Cemetery at 10 a.m. on Memorial Day to lead the services. It was the seventh stop on their nine cemetery circuit: 7 a.m. – Cedar Gap Cemetery, 7:30 a.m. – Lindley

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Second Division seeks soldiers

The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and our 95th annual reunion in Springfield, from Sept. 20 -24, 2016, contact Secretary-Treasurer Bob Haynes, at or 224/225-1202 or visit

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Lance wins 100

BRIEFLY A STATE RECORD – Bulldog speedster Lance Molz won the 100 meter dash at the MSHAA State track meet Saturday, May 28, in Jefferson City in what was at first called a state record Class 3 time of 10.63 seconds. According to Bulldog Athletic Director Mike Durnell, officials looked at the wind speed records

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Opera House Arts Council plans Scholarship Concerts for June

The Opera House Arts Council will continue their scholarship concerts during the month of June. On Thursday, June 9, the Circle S Boys and Friends will be in concert.  Local members of the band include Ron Swopes, owner of Circle S Feed on bass and vocals, along with the multitalented Larry and Brent Smith of

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