
TOPS takes a walk

TOPS Chapter 319 El Dorado Springs (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) met in the Church of Christ Sanctuary on Thursday, June 29. Angie had the program today. She led us on a walk around the parking lot. Angie is going to have the program the last Thursday of each month and will lead us in walks.

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Stork Report

Chris and Abigail Ewert, El Dorado Springs, are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Zarah Olivia Ewert. She weighed 8 lbs. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Kevin and Erica Drake, El Dorado Springs, are proud to announce the birth of a son, Bechett Dawson Drake. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 19

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Gardening Charlotte

July Gardening Chores Heat. It’s what drives every gardener this month, whether it’s making sure the garden gets an inch of moisture a week to stay cool or mulch to remain cool. Among the other chores for July, besides enjoying picking berries: 1. Deadhead flowering plants. Removing spent blooms will help keep plants healthy and

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Providing information

DRY DROWNING Q: I have been hearing a lot about dry drowning, and am worried since I have small children and a pond near our home. Can you tell me about this? A: Drowning happens when a person is underwater and breathes water into the lungs. A drowning that does not result in death is

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McCaskill, who broke with her party to oppose EPA’s water rule, welcomes President Trump’s rollback

U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, who broke with her party to oppose the EPA’s proposed “Waters of the U.S.” rule to regulate waterways, and supported bipartisan legislation to roll it back, welcomed President Trump’s proposed rollback of that regulation. “I’ve never been shy about calling out our government when rules and regulations don’t work for Missouri,”

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Chris Roe, RN, an employee of Cedar County Memorial Hospital was recently presented the Nightingale Award from Hospice Compassus. Hospice Compassus presents this award in celebration of National Nurse Appreciation Week. This award is presented to individuals in the Nursing field who have gone above and beyond in caring for patients. The nominee is one

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“The Band Plays On”

El Dorado Springs Municipal Band to Play Patriotic Program The El Dorado Springs Municipal Band will have its 4th of July Patriotic Program on Saturday, July 1st. We would love to have a crowd come out to enjoy our music, Bandstand decorations and join us wearing red, white and blue. It is always more fun

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Pittsburg State University announces spring honor roll

Pittsburg State University has released the honor rolls for the 2017 spring semester. To qualify for Dean’s Scholastic Honors, a student must complete at least 12 semester hours, receive a grade point average (GPA) of 3.6000 for all credit course work that semester and have no grade lower than a B and no grade of

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