
Monarch butterflies migrating from Mexico visit KC early

Warm weather arrived early this spring, and so did large numbers of monarch butterflies in the Kansas City area. The first seemingly fragile orange and black butterflies spotted flitting near spring flowers in recent weeks migrated all the way from wintering grounds in Mexico. They almost beat the emergence of milkweed plants, which adult monarchs

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First aid for leaky basements: Tips to help until professionals arrive

If your basement sprung a leak during recent intense rainfalls, you’re not alone. University of Missouri Extension state housing and environmental design specialist Michael Goldschmidt recommends inspecting basement walls and floors to locate cracks or breaks that can turn into active water leaks. Find the source of the leak if possible. Water takes the path

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Missouri celebrates 30th anniversary of Adopt-A-Highway program

The Missouri Department of Transportation’s popular litter prevention program – the Adopt-A-Highway Program – turns 30 this year. MoDOT officials noted the milestone today with a celebration in Jefferson City featuring area Adopt-A-Highway volunteers. Texas started the program in the mid-1980s as an effort to involve citizens to help clean state highways. Missouri followed suit

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Love note from Jeff City

My Fellow Missourians: Caution is in order as planting season is in full swing. Farmers are moving from field to field on our rural roads and highways, even in heavily populated counties and suburbs. Recently, legislation in the form of an amendment has been offered to allow machinery to be moved between the hours of

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Showdown looms over prescription drug monitoring program

Even as a Senate committee approved a proposed prescription drug monitoring program, a potential showdown on the bill’s fate was playing out behind the scenes. House Bill 90, sponsored by Rep. Holly Rehder, R-Sikeston, would create an electronic log that monitors prescription drug users through physicians and dispensers. In a hearing Thursday morning, Rehder presented

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Emerging milkweed is needed to feed hungry monarch larvae

Tattered yet resilient monarch butterflies have returned to the Midwest early this spring, laying eggs as they migrate north from their overwintering grounds in Mexico. While the distinctive black and orange creatures are a welcome sight here in Missouri, the butterfly’s early appearance could mean that emerging milkweed plants won’t be sufficient to feed hungry

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Missouri’s state tree shines in Ozarks

The dogwood tree’s stunning beauty echoes from the Ozark hillsides in April. The spectacular show of color bears witness to why the dogwood is worthy of being Missouri’s state tree, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. The dogwood’s reign of beauty is spectacular but short-lived. Most of the year, these diminutive denizens of

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Savvy Senior®

How Medicare covers preventive health services Dear Savvy Senior, Does Medicare cover 100 percent of all preventive health care screenings? I’m due to get a colonoscopy and a few other tests, but I want to find out if I’ll have to pay anything before I proceed. New to Medicare Dear New, Medicare currently covers a

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Over 50? You’re at Increased Risk for Shingles

A few years ago, a Harris Interactive-sponsored poll* found that Americans consider 50 to be the “perfect age” to live forever in good health. For many, the half¬≠-century mark can be a time when experience and opportunity balance perfectly – as told by the saying “50 is the new 30.” At 50 there may be

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