
5 fast shortcuts to make your home sparkle this spring

We all know that one person who just adores cleaning. But for the rest of us, it’s a necessary evil that gets old very quickly! Before you tackle that long list of spring cleaning tasks, try some of these cleaning hacks designed to make these chores faster and easier. When cleaning is fun and even

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Mowers can throw objects at 200+ mph

People fall victim to the revolving blades of powered lawn mowers each year, according to Bob Schultheis, a natural resource engineering specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “Objects can be thrown at more than 200 mph – about 300 feet per second – from a mower. The reaction time of most people is about two-thirds

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Test pressure canner gauges now

Spring is here, which means it is time to get canning supplies and equipment checked and ready to use. It is a good time to brush up on safe canning techniques. Before using it, be sure to get the dial gauge of your pressure canner tested. The spring in the dial gauge can get worn

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No FDA label requirements for honey

Interest in keeping bees and harvesting honey continues to grow in Missouri right along with the University of Missouri’s Master Beekeeper program. “As more people begin beekeeping we get more new producers of honey with questions,” said Moneen Jones, a research assistant professor at the University of Missouri’s Fisher Delta Research Center and coordinator of

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Love note from Jeff City

My Fellow Missourians: I drove to the Capitol a little early on Monday for a very special presentation. It was my privilege to present Mel Gilbert of Buffalo with a resolution in honor of completing the Passport Stamp Program with the Missouri State Park System on April 10 in conjunction with the Missouri State Park

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Mike Parson to co-chair task force on boards and commissions

Lieutenant Governor Mike Parson has been tasked by Governor Eric Greitens to co-chair the new Boards and Commissions Task Force. Executive Order 17-11, signed by Governor Greitens last week, calls for a task force to examine all government boards and commissions. The board will evaluate each board and commission with relation to purpose, costs incurred,

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Southwest MO students encouraged to apply for MU School of Medicine pre-admission program by June 1

The application deadline for the University of Missouri School of Medicine Bryant Scholars Pre-admissions Program is June 1. The Lester R. Bryant Scholars Pre-Admissions Program encourages young people from rural backgrounds, who are interested in practicing medicine in a small community, to pursue a medical education. The program aims to address the critical shortage of

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Research debunks ‘Five Second Rule’

The so-called “five-second rule” for food that is dropped on the floor has been scientifically debunked according to Lindsey Stevenson, nutrition and health specialist, University of Missouri Extension. A recent study from Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy conducted an extensive test, 2,500 measurements to be exact, on the idea that food

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Clematis, ‘Queen of the Vines,’ climbs in popularity

Few flowering ornamentals are as exquisite as the “Queen of the Vines”—clematis. The majestic splendor of this vertical climber is hard to pass by in nurseries and greenhouses, said David Trinklein, University of Missouri Extension horticulturist. There are more than 300 species of this member of the buttercup family. Only a few are used as

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A Story to Remember

by Rebecca French Smith Let me tell you a story. It’s a crisp spring morning on a dirt cattle lot along a rural Missouri highway. Gooseneck trailers are piled high with round bales of hay. Other trailers are loaded down with fencing posts and wire, waterers and feeders, protein blocks and tubs. Faint chatter can

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