
Honoring Our Fellow Missourians

Most years during the busy session, amidst the debates and committee hearings, a wonderful thing happens — the Missouri General Assembly, in its exclusive way, honors some of our fellow Missourians, past and present. In 2014 Cedar County mourned the loss of Deputy Sheriff Matthew Chism. Deputy Chism was shot and killed following a vehicle

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Vicky Hartzler Column

Honoring Fallen Heroes Last week began with Americans from coast to coast marking Memorial Day by honoring those who gave what President Lincoln called, “the last full measure of devotion” for the good our country embodies. I was honored to join the veterans of Centralia VFW Post 6276 and area residents for their annual Memorial

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Savvy Senior®

The new MIND diet may help prevent Alzheimer’s Dear Savvy Senior, I’ve heard that there’s a new diet that can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. What can you tell me about this? My 80-year-old mother has Alzheimer’s and I want to do everything I can to protect myself. Concerned Daughter Dear Concerned, It’s true! Research has

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Vicky Hartzler column

View from the Capitol Honoring our Fallen Heroes As you read this, Americans from coast to coast have enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend, the traditional start of the summer vacation season. As we enjoyed time with family and friends, let us not forget to take the time to honor the brave men and women in

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Love note from Jeff City

My Fellow Missourians: Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans — the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) — established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. Major General John A. Logan

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Missouri’s legislative session has not ended quite yet

by Mark Hughes Lawmakers have headed back to their districts, but the 2016 session of the Missouri General Assembly is not yet over. Not quite. There are still several days and a bit of work to be done before most of the bills passed this year can become law. Since at least the Missouri Constitution

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Capitol Perspectives: Was I ever wrong about the legislative session

by Phill Brooks Earlier this year, I wrote how it seemed that the legislature was taking a less chaotic approach for 2016. In my defense, there were indications of a more orderly process. But golly, did the final weeks prove me wrong. The biggest indication was the degree to which the lawmakers approved legislative behemoths

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Missouri celebrates 100 years of State Parks

by Tom Uhlenbrock Missouri State Parks Historic photos help tell the story of the first 100 years of Missouri State Parks. One of the most impressive shows the stone castle at Ha Ha Tonka State Park before it was destroyed by fire. Storm clouds overhead in the dramatic black-and-white photo portend the castle’s future. Gov.

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Going Green Isn’t Just Talk for U.S. Agriculture

by Robert Giblin Since the U.S. marked the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, the environmental impacts of agriculture have been pushed to the forefront of consumer attention, and momentum is increasing. So is the dramatic, measurable progress that U.S. agriculture is making on reducing environmental impacts. Lots of things sound green, often ignoring

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