
Advice for a Lunker Seeker

In this very column I am fixin’ to tell all you fishermen how to catch a five-pound smallmouth and three or four seven-pound largemouth on the same fishing trip, so if that interests you, keep reading. This is prompted by a phone call I got last spring. A fellow from a group calling itself “the

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Ozark angler hooks state-record quillback

MDC congratulates Timothy Keene on breaking the pole-and-line state record by catching a 5-pound, 13-ounce quillback on Bull Shoals Lake. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that Timothy Keene of Ozark became the most recent record-breaking angler in Missouri when he hooked a quillback on Bull Shoals Lake in Taney County using a rod

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MDC offers adult all-online hunter education course

Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) now offers an all-online hunter-education course for Missouri residents 16 years or older to provide a more flexible and convenient option to become hunter-education certified. The all-online course includes videos and animation to teach hunter safety, firearm safety, ethics, regulations, and wildlife management. “The way adults are learning is ever

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Fishing Report for July 6

Taberville Report by Bobbi Danes Danes Fish Farm The fish were biting like crazy yesterday. They were catching blue cats mostly and channels and flatheads on shad and nightcrawlers and about anything you wanted. The river looks good. It will probably lull out and trotlining will be good. We may be open until 2 Wednesday

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Learning More About Wild Birds

It is time for more nature stuff for all the master naturalists out there. If you haven’t paid your money and don’t hold an officially authorized Missouri Department of Conservation Master Naturalist certificate, you can play along here anyway just as an amateur naturalist. Or you can come and sit on my back porch with

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Japanese beetles, EAB wreak havoc on Missouri’s plants, trees

The two pests look similar to one another, but are easy to tell apart. The Japanese beetle and the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) are two invasive insects that are wreaking havoc on Missouri’s plants and trees. To the untrained eye, these two pests may look similar to one another. However, there are a few easy

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The Hooky Monster

Imagine that you are floating down a peaceful river and there is a 40-pound raccoon in a tree limb above the water. As you pass he loses his balance and falls into the water, 20 feet below. Imagine, if you can, what that would sound like. I was floating down the river just like that

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Fishing report for June 29

Taberville Report by Linda McCallister Dains Fish Farm Fishing with trotlines especially has been good. I haven’t heard of too much luck with rod and reel fishing but with trotlining they have been using the big carp for bait going after the giant flatheads. I don’t know any weights but I know they were successful

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Stockton Lake determines champions

ABA Division 126 completed their 2017 season with the two-Day Championship on Stockton Lake June 24-25. This tournament determined D126 Stockton Lake Champion of the Year – Mike Dill, D126 Angler of the Year – Eric Craft and of course the winner of the tournament – Jay Carter. Carter’s total 2-day weight was 22.5. Second

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