Residents of Cedar County are being sought to file as a candidate for the Executive Board of Directors. They will be an advocate of the Care Connection for Aging Services high quality services for all Older Missourians and work to help their county region understand the importance of proper support for Care Connection and its purpose.
Person wishing to file for office should go to a senior center in Cedar County between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday and make their intentions known to the director. The candidate must agree in writing to abide by a code of ethics and file a statement in intent. The statement of intent much be signed and mailed to Care Connection fro Aging Services, P.O. Box 1078 Warrensburg MO 64093 and be postmarked on or before April 1.
For more information, contact a Senior center in Cedar County at 604 S. Forrest, (417) 876-5574 in El Dorado Springs or at 309 W. Englewood (417) 276-5304 in Stockton.