by Connie Maupin
The Cedar County Historical Society held their first meeting of the year on February 27, at the Cedar County Museum in Stockton. The January meeting was canceled due to weather. Those present were: President Judy Nichols, Vice President Judith Cain, Secretary Connie Maupin, Treasurer Anna Hopkins, Don Cain, Sheryl Henry, Virginia Barber, Chris Barber, and Ellis Benham.
The Society purchased a new book display rack which allows a more visible arrangement of books for sale. The Lyceum book covers have been redesigned, moving the titles to the top of the page for better visibility when displayed. The Civil War, Bear Creek and the Stockton Lyceum books are being updated and re-published by the Society. Judy Nichols will be converting all of the book CDs to a PDF. There are more Lyceum stories that could be published from the original Lyceum book. “Pleasant View” and “Old Time Churches of Cedar County,” are two examples.
The Society received a letter from the Environmental Corporation of America about a proposed 325 foot guyed-type AT&T mobile communications tower to be built between Highway 54 and Love Cemetery near 1125 Road. Judy Nichols contacted a member of the Love Cemetery board to advise them of the project. They, in turn, have written a letter to contest the tower. However, the company has stated that they plan to go ahead with construction lacking any valid reason for discontinuing the project. The Society had also contacted the E.C.A. to let them know that they could find no reason to halt the building of the tower, as it is located at a safe distance from the cemetery.
The society received 163 historical and genealogy, short look-up requests in 2022. So far this year, there have been 4 requests. The Society is no longer able to do lengthy look-ups or genealogies due to lack of available staff. There is only one member doing look-ups at the museum and there is a fee.
Information that has appeared on the, “You Know you are from Jerico,” Facebook page has led people to believe that the society is in possession of old school photos that were removed from the Jerico Springs Community Center when the building was torn down. This is not the case. The old school trophies were donated to the society years ago, NOT the photos.
Claud Hoffman, is currently trying to get the City of El Dorado Springs to recognize and commemorate the “Harmony Mission to Campbell’s Mill Road” that ran through the location of the current city in the 1800’s. It was a trail that the local Osage Indian tribes originally used and later became a major trail route for stagecoaches, the military, mail and supplies. Most segments of the route have disappeared over the years.
A Stockton school teacher is researching the 100th anniversary of the dedication and opening of the Stockton School on South Street that occurred in November, 1924. She is gathering support for a possible celebration of the anniversary in 2024.
Board members were asked to provide ideas for a CCHS motto for business letterhead and cards. Society members were given two choices and selected, “What is preserved today, will be treasured tomorrow.”
Society members have appointed Chris Barber as program coordinator. He will research, locate and arrange for special programs and speakers with the assistance of Virginia Barber.
Glenda Pate suggested the society might consider publishing a book of memories from former students about Cedar County grade schools.
The Stockton Chamber is making a coffee table book for their 50th Anniversary and requested old photos of the Chamber. The Society had no old photos, so they advised the Chamber to contact the Cedar County Republican for newspaper archive photos.
President Judy Nichols requested permission to purchase some blank CDs, a hand truck and a heavy duty stapler. Thanks to generous members, Ellis Benham and Anna Hopkins will provide the CDs, Chris Barber will donate a hand truck and Anna Hopkins has a heavy duty stapler that she will contribute.
The society is still collecting Best Choice, Best Choice Superior Selections and Clearly Organic food labels. Clearly Organic has changed its name to, “Clearly.” Used HP printer cartridges are also still being collected as a fundraiser for the Society.
The “Niche” continues to thrive, thanks to all who generously donate items for re-sale. Items MUST be clean, usable and function as intended. No clothing or shoes can be accepted. Donations are much appreciated.
Donations to the museum archives: Photos of the Laswell, Routh, Simmons and more families from the Arnica area, by Norman Johnson. A notebook with scientific literature and newspaper articles about the archaeological dig, “Big Eddy,” 1997- 2001 and a 2005 National Geographic magazine with a story about the site, donated by Judy Smith. “A Missouri Timeline” donated by Judy Nichols.
Winter hours are still in effect at the Museum. The Spring schedule will be announced in late March and the museum will open in April. The next meeting will be Monday, March 27 at 1 p.m. and meetings are open to the public. The museum will also be open that day, from 1 to 4 p.m. and admission is always free.
For information, appointments, special tours or to purchase publications call 417-276-1142. Contact the Society by email at, visit the Facebook page at “Cedar County Mo Historical Society” or by mail at P.O. Box 111, Stockton, MO 65785.

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