Oh, my goodness. Sitting in the Opera House Theater watching the girls basketball game on Saturday afternoon was almost as good as being there in Springfield. We cheered and clapped and crossed our fingers for another State Championship. But with no time left, Fair Grove squeaked into the winner’s circle with two more points than the Bulldogs. It was a very good game, very enjoyable except for the final score. There is always next year.
I was afraid that some bulbs I bought last fall wouldn’t survive if I didn’t plant them in the ground. So I accumulated a collection of plastic 3” pots and little bitty peat pots and started gardening in the kitchen and on the dining room table. I have tulips blooming and alliums about too and my cats think it is field of cat grass. I can see evidence of nibbles and a few of the little pots have been knocked over.
Oh, yes, the obvious. Spring is here and all the good stuff will follow. Baseball, softball, golf, track. All the schedules are listed on page 8. And don’t forget snagging – starts Wednesday, March 15 and ends April 30. Spring turkey season – youth season is April 1st and 2nd. Regular season is April 17 – May 7th.
Easter is April 9. CCMH has planned their egg hunt for 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 6. And I’m guessing that the Optimist Clubs are going to have pancakes on Saturday, April 8, before the egg hunt in the Park.
And then there is graduation and official summer and we can gripe about the heat.
We were looking out the window about 7:30 Monday evening and commented on the fact that it was still light outside. Davis and I have been looking forward to longer evenings. I imagine you have too. KSL