Two people have been arrested after breaking into a concession stand at the Champion Diamonds Baseball Fields just outside of Nevada Sunday afternoon. According to Sheriff’s Office officials, a deputy was dispatched to the baseball fields after two citizens reported the trespassing and burglary. The deputy arrived on scene to find one suspect, who has been identified as Steven A Caudill II, 26, of El Dorado Springs, was detained by the citizens. Another suspect had already left the scene.
Heath Sanborn
Deputies following up on leads later in the day located the second suspect, who has been identified as Heath A Sanborn, 33, hiding in a bathtub at a house in Nevada. Sanborn attempted to fight the deputies as they were placing him under arrest. Vernon County Sheriff Jason Mosher said no one was hurt in the altercation. “Sanborn already had other warrants out for his arrest when deputies located him” The Sheriff also said he was glad the citizens were able to detain the first suspect until deputy’s arrived.
Warrants were issued Monday afternoon charging Caudill with burglary and theft/steeling. Sanborn has been charged with trespassing, property damage, and resisting arrest. Both men are currently being held in the Vernon County jail.
Steven Caudill
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