by Connie Maupin
The Cedar County Historical Society gathered at the museum in Stockton on Monday, Nov. 27 for the last meeting of 2023. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Those present were: President Judy Nichols, Vice President Chris Barber, Secretary Connie Maupin, Treasurer Anna Hopkins, members Sharyl Henry, Sheila Griggs, Virginia Barber, Bob Estes and Ellis Benham. September minutes and Treasurer’s reports were approved.
Chris and Virginia Barber are still searching for program ideas in addition to Kaitlyn McConnell. Bob Estes may be agreeable to presenting a program on Caplinger Mills sometime in the new year.
There is still no word from Santa Paula Awning on when they will replace the museum doors.
The 97th birthday party for Luella Phipps was held on Nov. 18, in El Dorado Springs. Luella and guests had a great time.
A clear acrylic box has been ordered to place over the Owens Mill replica that was donated to the museum. The model was constructed by John West in the 1980’s and donated to the museum by relatives.
The Sanford family visited the museum recently. Don Sanford’s parents were owners of the Sanford Cafe, many years ago, in Stockton.
Two separate tours of the museum will be conducted in December for Stockton school children.
Dallas Eugene “Gene” Dale, a charter member of the society, passed away recently.
The society is still collecting Best Choice, B.C. Selections and B.C. Clearly food labels and used computer cartridges.
The Niche is still open, thanks to all those who have generously donated items. As always, donations MUST be clean and usable. Electrical items must be in working order. No clothing or shoes will be accepted unless they are still in the package or have the original labels on them. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Donations this month were a March, 1950, issue of “The Whinery Mills Poultry and Livestock Journal,” given by Dean Kenney, a flash Drive of home movies of Walnut Festival parades in the 1950’s and some footage of the construction of the building of the Stockton Dam by Tiffeny Sanford.
No meeting will be held in December. The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 29, 2024, at the museum.
“Winter Hours” are now in effect for the Cedar County Museum, located at 106 West Davis Street in Stockton. The museum is closed in December, but, will be open again in January, on the last Monday of the month, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., unless by appointment. Information, appointments and publications may be obtained by calling 417-276-1142, e-mail at, Facebook at Cedar County Mo. Historical Society or by mail at P.O. Box 111, Stockton, MO 65785.
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