TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Preferred Family Healthcare building, 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs on Thursday, Sept. 7, for their regular weigh-in and meeting.
Warren, our leader, called the meeting to order.
Carol led us in singing “This Is My Lose Year”
We said our TOPS & KOPS Pledges
Warren led us in roll call; 20 members weighed in. The chapter had a gain of 15.4 lbs. and a loss of 7.6 with a net gain of 7.8 lbs.
Best Loser for the week was Sue with a loss of 2.2.
Linda Hall had the program today. She presented the awards for the month of August.
Kaelin received her 500 miles walked certificate
Sue has earned her 5 lbs. to goal certificate and charm and her 60 lb. loss certificate and charm
Linda C received her 1000 miles walked certificate
Warren received his 1000 miles walked certificate
Samantha received her 10 lb. loss certificate and charm, 5 lbs. to goal certificate and 1st place in Most Inches Lost, she lost 9.25 inches!
Marilyn received her 500 miles walked certificate which she earned in May
Jean received her 1000 miles walked certificate
Winner of Free dues was Jan
Those on the 20 pounds to goal post are: Jan, Linda C, Margie, Sue, Sheryl and Samantha.
The chapter had a 40.2 gain and a 54.6 loss resulting in a net loss of 14.4 for the month of August.
Thank you, Linda, for all you do in presenting the awards.
Linda closed with a cute reading “Do You Know Your Hymns?”
Contest: Laura presented the new proposed contest. It is “Eat Your Autumn Colors” members will get points for eating specified veggies and fruits during the contest. Laura will give each member a list of suggested fruits and veggies. This will focus on fall garden produce such as squash, pumpkins and so on. Cost to join the contest would be $1.
Jan made a motion to accept this contest and charge $1 per person to join. Sue seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Marble game: Sharron won the right to draw and she drew the winning marble. She won $100 cash. Congratulations Sharron.
Warren read correspondence from TOPS.
The chapter needs to decide if we want to do the baked potato luncheon in March. It would be held in the Community Center Banquet Room on a Thursday in March. We must decide if we want to do it so the room can be reserved. After some discussion, Carol made a motion to do the Baked Potato Luncheon in March 2024. Fred 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Date will be determined on what day we can reserve the banquet room.
With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto
For more information call Linda Hall at 417 876 7404, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at
Come and join us.
TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday morning in the “Preferred Family Healthcare building at 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. and is over by 10 a.m.
TOPS ROCKS – Rock On! in the September/October TOPS News Magazine inspired us to have a program sharing our creative talents and creative inspirations.
We expanded this program to a community project. We designed larger rocks and hid them in plain sight around our town of 3,500 souls.
Placing a notice in our local paper, we said if you found one of our rocks to bring it to one of our meetings and get a gift. The rocks were placed with a TOPS business card under it.
Pictured from left: Linda, vice president; Warren, president; Laura, 2021 MO State Queen; Sue, treasurer; Carol, weight recorder and Jean, secretary.
This photo shows some personal inspirational rocks from MO TOPS Chapter #9319.
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